Who? When? Where?


This is the official blog of the Sweetwater Local Foods Market. Located in Muskegon, Michigan. We began operating in July of 2005, for the purpose of promoting small, organic farms and producers of products that exemplify the best of sustainable organic practices. 

All vendors must sign our Pledge to Our Customers that defines what food production practices are allowed at the market. Transparency of operation is key – all people deserve, and need to know where their food comes from and how it is produced!

Update: When? Year Round, Saturdays 10am-11am. 

In March of 2020 we had to make a decision: with the pandemic looming we could no longer operate inside the lobby of a medical facility. We decided to go outside and because of the cold weather we cut the market time down to one hour. At first it was preorder only, now it is a combination of preorders and walk up sales. On Monday & Friday we publish an email newsletter What’s New at the Market so that you can place preorders with the vendors. Sign up here: https://tinyletter.com/SweetwaterLocalFoodsMkt


DIRECTIONS to Market: We operate our market at the Mercy Health Lakes Village, 6401 Prairie St. Located just a block from the intersection of Harvey St. & Pontaluna Rd. From US31, take the Pontaluna Rd exit. Go east to the first stoplight. Turn left to the first building on the left – Look for the Big Blue Roof!