Sweetwater Winter Market March 7th

root veg
Sweetwater Local Foods Market
Saturday, March 7th, 2015, 9:00am to 12:00 noon
Mercy Health Lakes Campus
On 6401 Harvey St. at US31/Pontaluna Rd. Exit. 1st Bldg North of Pontaluna Rd.
We are a Bridge Card Market!


Attending this week’s market:

Maple Moon Farm of Shelby
This week we’ll be bringing
*CARROTS-my, oh my, winter carrots are the sweetest!
*GARLIC (organic/biodynamic grown by our friends at Earthkeeper Farm in Kent City)
We preserved the intense flavors of our culinary garden herbs.  Harvested by hand, dried, and then cut and hand sifted; these herbs are brimming with flavor and quality.
*DRIED SLICED LEEKS (perfect for a nice winter pot of potato leek soup)
*HERBAL TEAS (Peace Tea and MI Gentle Cold Care are almost sold out for the season, these won’t be available again until next fall.  Teas have a self life of one year, so stock up on your favorite variety while they’re here)

Maple Moon Farm
1224 S.144th Ave
Shelby, MI 49455
Check us out on Facebook

Funny Farm of Grant
With all the snow on the ground, Jim has been busy in his woodworking  shop, assembling lots of new projects. Come see his cutting boards made  from locally sourced hardwoods and highlighted with beautiful exotic  woods.
Every piece is unique and individual. New projects nearly every day.
We will have
Eggs from our mixed flock
Dried shiitake mushrooms
Dried onions
Dried sweet peppers
Pink Himalayan Sea salt
Black Hawaiian finishing salt
Asst dried herbs
Barb has been busy in her workshop, too.
Come see the new designs at  Baubles by Barb.
Have something you’d like to have restrung or remade  into a new piece?
Custom pieces using your beads, etc is available.

Kasza Sugar Bush
Maple Syrup & Honey in all shapes & sizes!

Scholl Farm of Montague
Whole chicken, eggs.

Laughing Tree Bakery of Hart
Greetings from Laughing Tree Brick Oven Bakery—
Well, Spring must be on its way soon because the SWEETWATER MARKET is once again open every week…  Our neighbor Mike Jones( of Maple Moon Farm) says he’s soon to have oodles of fresh greens available for sale!  We can hardly wait! Until then, soup and bread prevail at our house…  This week we’ve had Split Pea with ham, Broccoli Cheddar Soup, and tonight a big batch of Chili made with local venison and OG Pinto beans grown by our friends Mike and Lona of Shadyside Farm.  Oh Soup—you are the wintertime staff of life!  Along with bread of course…
Up this week:  Cheddar Peppercorn, Hazel Road Rustic (an old-time New England bread made with Cornmeal, rye, and blackstrap molasses)

Homesteader’s Wheat (An extraordinary light wheat bread with a wonderfully chewy crust) $5.50
Oceana Round  ( Rustic Italian country bread) $5.00
Third Coast Three Seed  (Sunnies, Sesames, and Flax in a light wheat) $6.00
The Michigander (made with Michigan-grown whole wheat—dark and soulful) $5.50
Annie’s Raisin Spice (sweet organic raisins, organic cinnamon, and freshly ground cardamom) $6.50
Griff’s 8-Grain (Hearty, hearty! Eight organic grains and a bit of Michigan honey) $6.50
Finn’s Pecan Raisin Pecan (Jam packed with pecans and organic raisins) $8.75
100% whole grain Kamut: Light and moist with a fruity flavor, a great loaf for folks with wheat sensitivities. $6.50
Elbridge Parmesan Olive (Sumptuous parmesan and Kalamata black olives) $8.00
Pilgrim Rye: A German-style rye made with cracked rye berries and OG Spelt Flour.  (No wheat flour).  Slice it thin to enjoy this dark and hearty loaf.  $6.50 a loaf .
Cheddar Peppercorn (Smooth Vermont Cheddar accompanied by tongue tingling black pepper).  Price $8.00  ($8.00 in stores)
Hazel Road Rustic:  An old-time New England bread made with organic cornmeal (Michigan grown), rye, and blackstrap molasses.  A bread with a slightly sweet, complex flavor.  Great for french toast or slathered with jam.  $6.00 a loaf. ($6.00 in stores)

(Cookies and brownies are only available at Farmer’s markets, the Healthy Pantry in Whitehall, and the Health Hutt in Muskegon)
Deep Mud Brownies Our brownies are made with extraordinary Callebaut dark chocolate, our own fresh eggs, and Michigan grown organic barley flour—they are amazing!!
 Cranberry Orange Scones
Truly Ginger Scones
Michigan Cherry Scones
Simply Currant
 Tree Huggers
Hill Toppers
Our delicious scones are $2.50 at market ($3.00 in stores)
They are all made with organic butter, organic cream, and fresh local eggs!
 MOUNTAIN CRUNCH GRANOLA (Local Honey, almonds, OG oats, OG coconut oil, OG sunflower seeds, OG coconut, safflower oil, sea salt)  $8.00/pound  ($8.50 in stores)
LAUGHING TREE PEANUT BUTTER GRANOLA (OG oats, OG sunflower seeds, OG coconut, all-natural Peanut butter, OG coconut oil, sea salt)  $8.00/pound  ($8.50 in stores)

Provision Family Farm
Warm up your family with some hearty meats. For anyone who wants to guarantee specific items, email us at provisonfamilyfarms@gmail.com or call 231-689-0457 to RESERVE your cuts of meat. We will prepackage them for you and deliver them at market.
·            Hamburger                                                                                         $5.75/lb
·            Hamburger Bulk 10+ lbs                                                               $5.25/lb
·            Liver, Heart, Short Ribs, Kidney                                                        $4.00/lb
·            1/3lb Hamburger Patties (4 pack)                                                      $8.00/ea
·            Brisket, Stew, Chuck Roast, English Roast, Cube Steak, Shank       $6.50/lb
·            Chuck Eye, Rib Steak, Kabobs, T-bone, Rolled Rump                  $8.00/lb
Flat Iron (out of stock), Skirt, Flank (out of stock), Sirloin                                      $11.00/lb
·            Porterhouse Steak, Tenderloin, Top Sirloin/NY strip                        $13.00/lb
·            Lard                                                                                                     $5.00/lb
·            Sausage (Italian, Breakfast)                                                               $6.00/lb
·            Bulk Sausage 10+ lbs                                                                        $5.50/lb
·            Ground Pork                                                                                   $6.00/lb
·            Spare Ribs                                                                                       $6.00/lb
·            Baby Back                                                                                     $9.00/lb
·            Tenderloin (out of stock)                                                                   $10.00/lb
·            Liver, Heart                                                                                     $4.00/lb
·            Liver, Heart                                                                                            $6.00/lb
·            Shank                                                                                                $9.00/lb
·            Leg Roast                                                                                      $13.00/lb
·            Boneless Leg                                                                                   $14.00/lb
·            Steaks, Spare Ribs                                                                       $11.00/lb
·            Chops                                                                                            $13.00/lb
·            Rack                                                                                               $15.00/lb
Stew Meats
·            Lamb Bones, Beef Bones                                                         $2.00/lb
·            Pork Bones, Head                                                                         $2.00/lb
·            Chicken Backs                                                                                   $2.00/lb
·            Stewing Hens                                                                                     $2.75/lb
·            Lamb Stew Meat                                                                       $10.00/lb
·            Gizzards, Liver, Heart (out of stock)                                                     $2.00/lb
·            Stewing Chickens                                                                              $2.75/lb
·            Boneless Skinless Breasts (out of stock)                                         $9.00/lb
Eggs                                                                                                   $4.00/doz
·            Whole                                                                                            $6.00/lb
·           Whole

Sweetwater Winter Market Saturday February 28

Days are getting sunnier, can winter hang on much longer?
Sweetwater Local Foods Market
Saturday, February 28th, 2015, 9:00am to 12:00 noon
Mercy Health Lakes Campus
On 6401 Harvey St. at US31/Pontaluna Rd. Exit. 1st Bldg North of Pontaluna Rd.
We are a Bridge Card Market!
Attending this week’s market:

Shady Side Farm of Holland
This week I’ll be at market with our certified organic beans, all harvested this fall, in the following varieties:
Black Turtle – Common black bean with a thick skin and a meaty texture.
Black Valentine – Taste like kidney beans, great for salads, soups and dips.
Hidatsa Red – (Almost gone–get them now!) Slight nutty taste, use in chili or red beans and rice.
Hutterite Soup – Comfort food, cook fast, creamy soup, baby food.
Jacob’s Cattle – Big and meaty, taste & texture of new potatoes, traditional baked beans, chili.
Jacob’s Cattle Gold – Hold shape w/ long cooking, soak up other flavors well, soups and stews.
October – (Almost gone–get them now!) Creamy, velvety smooth texture, nutty, sweet flavor, thin skin, soups or chili.
Painted Lady – Slightly sweet bean, smooth, creamy texture, good in everything.
Pinto – Earthy flavor, great in Mexican cooking, falls apart under long cooking.
Please let me know ahead of time if you’d like to order 5# bags of any one variety, so that I can pre-bag those and bring them along.
In addition, we’ll have Grassfield Farms raw aged cheeses along in the following flavors:
Crofters – This cheese is so new, I don’t even know what it’s like! But I’ll have samples along on Saturday so we can find out together.
Aged Cheddar – You asked, and we listened! A sharp cheddar, aged a year. Award-winning!
Chili – Gouda with Red Chili flakes, this mild and creamy cheese has delightful spice without being too hot.
Country Dill – A house favorite, the dill herb in Gouda well represents the fresh grass that dominates the cows’ diet.
Edam – A variety of Gouda made with skim milk: Elastic, yet firm, this flawless low fat cheese is our best melter, improving any dish.
Garlic & Onion – The most aromatic of herbs. Don’t be the only one in the room to eat this spiced Gouda or you soon will be.
Gouda – A traditional handmade cheese in keeping with West Michigan’s (and our family’s) Dutch culture.
Lamont Cheddar – A rare, natural rind English cheese, named for the Grand River’s first settlement near our farm.
Leyden – Originally from the Rhine Valley, now the Grand River Valley; cumin perfectly compliments this aged Dutch cheese.

Also, if there is anything woolly that you are interested in, it doesn’t hurt to shoot me an email. I can’t take everything along every week, so let me know what you’d like me to focus on. Hope to see you Saturday!
– Creamy, velvety smooth texture, nutty, sweet flavor, thin skin, soups or chili.

Funny Farm of Grant
With all the snow on the ground, Jim has been busy in his woodworking  shop, assembling lots of new projects. Come see his cutting boards made  from locally sourced hardwoods and highlighted with beautiful exotic  woods.
Every piece is unique and individual. New projects nearly every day.
We will have
Eggs from our mixed flock
Dried shiitake mushrooms
Dried onions
Dried sweet peppers
Pink Himalayan Sea salt
Black Hawaiian finishing salt
Asst dried herbs
Barb has been busy in her workshop, too.
Come see the new designs at  Baubles by Barb.
Have something you’d like to have restrung or remade  into a new piece?
Custom pieces using your beads, etc is available.

Liberty Family Farm of Hart
We’ll have baked goods and our pastured pork, lamb & chicken tomorrow, including BACON!

Earthscape Farm of Hesperia
We appreciate advance orders.  Email earthscapefarm@gmail.com or call 231-861-2234 by Friday 6pm.
VEGETABLES WE PLAN TO BRING: Onions, Cabbages ~~ Savoy, Green and Red;   Celeriac ~ roast it, add it to soups and stews, or mash with your potatoes!
Grilling Steaks ~ Tenderloin, Porterhouse, TBone, NY Strip, RibEye, Sirloin
Braising Beef ~ Round and Swiss Steaks; Stew Meat
Roasts ~ Chuck,  English, Arm, Rolled Rump
Lean Ground Beef
Leaner Ground Sirloin
Short Ribs ~ One of the most flavorful cuts.  Google some recipes!
Soup Bones & Oxtail – It’s time to make some rich beef stocks and Bone Broth.
Liver, Heart and Tongue
HIGHER GROUNDS COFFEE in 12 oz bags. Certified organic, Fair Trade. Various types, beans or ground, dark or medium roast, full caf, half caf or decaf.
ORGANIC OLIVE OIL, imported from Palestine by Higher Grounds.

Maple Moon Farm of Shelby
This week we’ll be bringing
*CARROTS-my, oh my, winter carrots are the sweetest!
*GARLIC (organic/biodynamic grown by our friends at Earthkeeper Farm in Kent City)


We preserved the intense flavors of our culinary garden herbs.  Harvested by hand, dried, and then cut and hand sifted; these herbs are brimming with flavor and quality.
*DRIED SLICED LEEKS (perfect for a nice winter pot of potato leek soup)
*HERBAL TEAS (Peace Tea and MI Gentle Cold Care are almost sold out for the season, these won’t be available again until next fall.  Teas have a self life of one year, so stock up on your favorite variety while they’re here)

Maple Moon Farm
1224 S.144th Ave
Shelby, MI 49455
Check us out on Facebook

Laughing Tree Bakery of Hart
Greetings from Laughing Tree Brick Oven Bakery—
The end of February is here—Hallelujah!! That said, I am savoring the opportunity to tackle projects I could never touch in the summertime:  cleaning out the basement, making candles, trying out new recipes!  It’s also been great fun to see what sorts of snow forts and caves the children make out of the enormous snow mounds—and to go sledding and snowboarding. Three of us prefer sledding, two prefer snowboarding….  But we all enjoy soup and bread at the end of the day—and that’s mostly what’s for supper this time of year.  We devoured a loaf of Third Coast Three Seed on Friday and we are always slicing away at a loaf of Michigander.

Come on out this weekend and get yourself some tasty eats!  Cobmoosa Onion Rye is on the docket, as well as Chili Cheddar…  Just in time for a BIG pot of Chili!!

Homesteader’s Wheat (An extraordinary light wheat bread with a wonderfully chewy crust) $5.50
Oceana Round  ( Rustic Italian country bread) $5.00
Third Coast Three Seed  (Sunnies, Sesames, and Flax in a light wheat) $6.00
The Michigander (made with Michigan-grown whole wheat—dark and soulful) $5.50
Annie’s Raisin Spice (sweet organic raisins, organic cinnamon, and freshly ground cardamom) $6.50
Griff’s 8-Grain (Hearty, hearty! Eight organic grains and a bit of Michigan honey) $6.50
Finn’s Pecan Raisin Pecan (Jam packed with pecans and organic raisins) $8.75
100% whole grain Kamut: Light and moist with a fruity flavor, a great loaf for folks with wheat sensitivities. $6.50
Elbridge Parmesan Olive (Sumptuous parmesan and Kalamata black olives) $8.00
Pilgrim Rye: A German-style rye made with cracked rye berries and OG Spelt Flour.  (No wheat flour).  Slice it thin to enjoy this dark and hearty loaf.  $6.50 a loaf .
Chili Cheddar   Whoa-homegrown, pickled jalapeno peppers coupled with tangy cheddar cheese makes for great flavor with a little kick.  Fresh or toasted, great as an accompaniment to soup or chili.  $8.00  ($8.00 in stores)
Cobmoosa Onion Rye ( Caramelized Michigan onions, OG Michigan rye flour, and a hint of caraway) $6.00  ($6.00 in stores)
(Cookies and brownies are only available at Farmer’s markets, the Healthy Pantry in Whitehall, and the Health Hutt in Muskegon)
Deep Mud Brownies Our brownies are made with extraordinary Callebaut dark chocolate, our own fresh eggs, and Michigan grown organic barley flour—they are amazing!!
Mrs. Moose’s Whangdangdoodlers Chunks of Valrhona dark chocolate, OG walnuts, and real OG butter make this a cookie you’ll never forget.  $2.50 each ($3.00 in stores)
Pecan Maple Oaties $2.50 each- Made with Real Michigan Maple Syrup, Pecans, and organic raisins  ($3.00 in stores)
 Cranberry Orange Scones
Truly Ginger Scones
Michigan Cherry Scones
Pecan Date Scones
Blueberry Scones
Our delicious scones are $2.50 at market ($3.00 in stores)
They are all made with organic butter, organic cream, and fresh local eggs!
 MOUNTAIN CRUNCH GRANOLA (Local Honey, almonds, OG oats, OG coconut oil, OG sunflower seeds, OG coconut, safflower oil, sea salt)  $8.00/pound  ($8.50 in stores)
LAUGHING TREE PEANUT BUTTER GRANOLA (OG oats, OG sunflower seeds, OG coconut, all-natural Peanut butter, OG coconut oil, sea salt)  $8.00/pound  ($8.50 in stores)

Provision Family Farm
Warm up your family with some hearty meats. We have just stocked up on beef, including some new cuts, such as NY strip and shank. For anyone who wants to guarantee specific items, email us at provisonfamilyfarms@gmail.com or call 231-689-0457 to RESERVE your cuts of meat. We will prepackage them for you and deliver them at market.

·            Hamburger                                                                                         $5.75/lb
·            Hamburger Bulk 10+ lbs                                                               $5.25/lb
·            Liver, Heart, Short Ribs, Kidney                                                        $4.00/lb
·            1/3lb Hamburger Patties (4 pack)                                                      $8.00/ea
·            Brisket, Stew, Chuck Roast, English Roast, Cube Steak, Shank       $6.50/lb
·            Chuck Eye, Rib Steak, Kabobs, T-bone, Rolled Rump                  $8.00/lb
Flat Iron (out of stock), Skirt, Flank, Sirloin                                      $11.00/lb
·            Porterhouse Steak, Tenderloin, Top Sirloin/NY strip                        $13.00/lb
·            Lard                                                                                                     $5.00/lb
·            Sausage (Italian, Breakfast)                                                               $6.00/lb
·            Bulk Sausage 10+ lbs                                                                        $5.50/lb
·            Ground Pork                                                                                   $6.00/lb
·            Spare Ribs                                                                                       $6.00/lb
·            Baby Back                                                                                     $9.00/lb
·            Tenderloin (out of stock)                                                                   $10.00/lb
·            Liver, Heart                                                                                     $4.00/lb
·            Liver, Heart                                                                                            $6.00/lb
·            Shank                                                                                                $9.00/lb
·            Leg Roast                                                                                      $13.00/lb
·            Boneless Leg                                                                                   $14.00/lb
·            Steaks, Spare Ribs                                                                       $11.00/lb
·            Chops                                                                                            $13.00/lb
·            Rack                                                                                               $15.00/lb
Stew Meats
·            Lamb Bones, Beef Bones                                                         $2.00/lb
·            Pork Bones, Head                                                                         $2.00/lb
·            Chicken Backs                                                                                   $2.00/lb
·            Stewing Hens                                                                                     $2.75/lb
·            Beef Stew Meat                                                                                  $6.50/lb
·            Lamb Stew Meat                                                                       $10.00/lb
·            Gizzards, Liver, Heart (out of stock)                                                     $2.00/lb
·            Stewing Chickens                                                                              $2.75/lb
·            Boneless Skinless Breasts (out of stock)                                         $9.00/lb
Eggs                                                                                                   $4.00/doz
·            Whole                                                                                            $6.00/lb
·           Whole                                                                                            $4.75/lb


Heirloom Winter Squash!

Sweetwater Local Foods Market

Saturday, September 20th, 2014, 9:00am to 12:00 noon
 Mercy Health Lakes Campus
On 6401 Harvey St. at US31/Pontaluna Rd. Exit. 1st Bldg North of Pontaluna Rd.

We are a Bridge Card & DUFB Market!



Fermenters & Kombucha Lovers!

The co-creators of Presence Kombucha will be at Sweetwater Saturday discussing the health benefits of Kombucha and sampling their various blends. Stop by their booth! See full description at end of newsletter.


Attending this Saturday’s market:


Crow Feather Farm of Hesperia

Happy fall Sweetwater!  It may not quite be equinox yet but autumn is certainly in the air.  Nic even saw frost on our car’s windshield (although luckily it missed our crops, safely buffered by the heat in the ground).  It won’t be long before we are all hunkered down for winter, enjoying long nights and a bounty of storage crops.  Until then, we hope you take advantage of the last of our summer fruits!

We are *super* excited to be bringing BABY GINGER this weekend!  Grown in our unheated passive solar hoophouse, this gorgeous rhizome needs no peeling – just slice and enjoy!  Available with or without the abundant green tops.

The last of our watermelons – soon they will give way to winter squash!

Lettuce salad mix

Baby Kale

Sweet red peppers (very limited quantity)

Sungolds and Black Cherry tomatoes


Beets and Carrots


Onions and Garlic

and Napa Cabbage – this is the traditional green ingredient in kimchi, the incredible fermented Korean condiment.  Fermentation is an easy, super-healthy way to get your pro-biotics.  And it’s delicious!  Try it this weekend.
Please note that, due to an impending farm-move, we may not be able to attend market next week (9/27).  So, stock up now!


Maple Moon Farm of Shelby

*TOMATOES all heirloom varieties, grown on 100% sunshine, soil and love!

*SWEET BELL PEPPERS (various colors)


*GEORGIA FLAME PEPPERS (heirloom variety from the Republic of Georgia.  Smooth hot taste, that dissipates quickly.  Great for salsa!)










*CUCUMBERS (Japanese varieties-long and burbless)

*SUMMER SQUASH (yellow crooked-neck and trombocino)
















*LEMONGRASS**this can be hard to source locally.  Get it while it’s here, it’s starting to get too cold for this heat loving plant.





This season’s batch is ready.  We lovingly harvest medicinal herbs from our gardens, as well as those growing wild on our land.  We are so grateful for these healing plants.  We infuse them in organic olive oil, and then blend them with high quality ingredients like local bee’s wax, fair trade organic cocoa butter, and pure lanolin.  We use a wide range of herbs including calendula, plantain, St.John’s Wort, comfrey, roses, chickweed, and self-heal.  This makes the salve helpful for everything from bug bites to diaper rash to burns or anything else that needs more than a kiss.

This year we have 3 sizes to meet your needs

2oz glass jar $12

4oz family size glass jar $20

or for easy portability

Mama on the Go $3.50 or 2/$6

(We packaged our Mama’s All Purpose Salve in a 100% recycled plastic tube, so you can have Mama’s anywhere.  Stash one in your purse, diaper bag, backpack, or anywhere else you may need it.)

Get yours while they’re here!


Maple Moon Farm

1224 S.144th Ave

Shelby, MI 49455


Check us out on Facebook

Provision Family Farm of White Cloud

Luke Eising returns this week with more beef & smoked pork cuts, raised on pasture supplemented with non-GMO feed. The farm is near Woodville 10 miles past White Cloud.  This multi-generational family works hard to make their little piece of earth beautiful as well as fertile, and they love and welcome visitors.

Olson Farm of Shelby

Last week for sweet corn. More of the Little Sweeties Muskmelons. Also, Taste of Spring Maple Syrup, tomatoes, and onions.


Funny Farm of Grant

We accept WIC Project Fresh and Senior Project Fresh coupons.
Summer squash and zucchini
Cucumbers and pickles
Lemon cucumbers
Basil and Lemon basil
Asst kale, curly green and dino or lacinato
Broccoli, First of the season
Cabbage, firm smallish heads
Swiss chard, washed and bagged
Lots of new potato varieties
Rose gold, rosy exterior with golden flesh
Fingerlings roasting or steamed over buttered water
Norland Reds
Mountain Rose, beautiful red exterior with pink swirl interior
Merlots, rare variety, maroon interior and exterior
Heirloom Dutch Bintji

Eggs, mixed flock, mixed colors

Shady Side Farm of Holland

We will not be at market next week, September 27. Please stock up!


The bean harvest is getting closer; some of the plants are drying down nicely. While we wait, we still have some wonderful options left from last year–still much fresher than the beans you can buy in the stores. And with the chill in the air, bean soup sounds good again! This week Lona will be at market with our certified organic beans in the following varieties:


Hutterite Soup (almost gone) – Comfort food, cook fast, creamy soup, baby food.

Jacob’s Cattle (almost gone) – Big and meaty, taste & texture of new potatoes, traditional baked beans, chili.

Jacob’s Cattle Gold (almost gone) – Hold shape w/ long cooking, soak up other flavors well, soups and stews.

October (almost gone) – Creamy, velvety smooth texture, nutty, sweet flavor, thin skin, soups or chili.

Pinto – Earthy flavor, great in Mexican cooking, falls apart under long cooking.


In addition, we’ll have Grassfield Farms raw aged cheeses along in the following flavors:


Chili – Gouda with Red Chili flakes, this mild and creamy cheese has delightful spice without being too hot.

Country Dill – A house favorite, the dill herb in Gouda well represents the fresh grass that dominates the cows’ diet.

Edam – A variety of Gouda made with skim milk: Elastic, yet firm, this flawless low fat cheese is our best melter, improving any dish.

Garlic & Onion – The most aromatic of herbs. Don’t be the only one in the room to eat this spiced Gouda or you soon will be.

Gouda – A traditional handmade cheese in keeping with West Michigan’s (and our family’s) Dutch culture.

Lamont Cheddar – A rare, natural rind English cheese, named for the Grand River’s first settlement near our farm.

Leyden – Originally from the Rhine Valley, now the Grand River Valley; cumin perfectly compliments this aged Dutch cheese.

Spring Herb – A Polkton Corners base (a softer cheese) with chives, parsley, garlic and tarragon. Very tasty!


Lona’s been weaving again, after nearly a year off. Check out her handwoven rag rugs. Woven out of recycled fabrics on antique looms, these rugs will last for years, and are machine washable.


Finally, please ask if you are interested in whole lambs for your freezer. You mail email or talk to Lona at the market. See you Saturday!


Shady Side Farm



Laughing Tree Bakery of Hart

Many of you have had a chance to meet our wonderful market staff that includes April Davis, Sarah Ronsfeldt, JoAnn Flejszar, Elsie Binns, and Cyndi Backstrom.  We couldn’t do what we do without these fabulous ladies who run our three market stands each weekend…  We turned the bakery into a pizzeria tonight and supped with these ladies and their families—what a joy!!  And to think, we didn’t know a single one of them two years ago.  We are so grateful to have a business that enables us to connect with so many incredibly interesting and dynamic people in West Michigan!  We are truly honored to bake for you and your family and friends. OUR NINE WEEKLY VARIETIES:

Homesteader’s Wheat (An extraordinary light wheat bread with a wonderfully chewy crust) $5.50  ($5.50 in stores)

Oceana Round  ( Rustic Italian country bread) $5.00

Third Coast Three Seed  (Sunnies, Sesames, and Flax in a light wheat) $6.00

The Michigander (made with Michigan-grown whole wheat—dark and soulful) $5.50

Annie’s Raisin Spice (sweet organic raisins, organic cinnamon, and freshly ground cardamom) $6.50  ($6.50 in stores)

Griff’s 8-Grain (Hearty, hearty! Eight organic grains and a bit of Michigan honey) $6.50

Finn’s Pecan Raisin Pecan (Jam packed with pecans and organic raisins) $8.75

100% whole grain Kamut: Light and moist with a fruity flavor, a great loaf for folks with wheat sensitivities. $6.50

Elbridge Parmesan Olive (Sumptuous parmesan and Kalamata black olives) $8.00


Cheddar Peppercorn (Smooth Vermont Cheddar accompanied by tongue tingling black pepper).  Price $8.00  ($8.00 in stores)

Pumpernickel Rye (A new twist on an old Eastern European standard.  Cracked Rye and Caraway seed in a dark, chewy loaf) $6.00  ($6.00 in stores)

Toasted Walnut Batard: (aromatic toasted walnuts lend a lovely nuttiness and a purple hue to this versatile batard) $7.50  ($8.00 in stores)


(Cookies and brownies are only available at Farmer’s markets, the Healthy Pantry in Whitehall, and the Health Hutt in Muskegon)

Deep Mud Brownies Our brownies are made with extraordinary Callebaut dark chocolate, our own fresh eggs, and Michigan grown organic barley flour—they are amazing!!

$3.25 each  ($3.75 in stores)

Hilltoppers Cookies- Molasses Ginger cookies…A 4oz cookie sweetened with golden molasses and bits of candied ginger)  $2.50 each ($3.00 in stores)

Pecan Maple Oaties $2.50 each- Made with Real Michigan Maple Syrup, Pecans, and organic raisins  ($3.00 in stores)

Treehuggers The one and only quarter pound peanut buttery original.  $2.50 each ($3.00 in stores)

Cranberry Orange Scones

Truly Ginger Scones

Michigan Cherry Scones

Lovely Lemon Scones

Blueberry Scones

Five Oaks Farm

CSA Members: Please plan to pick up your CSA share at your usual time; either Friday night up here or at Sweetwater on Saturday.

Please call us at 231 292-1152 if you have any questions, or reply back to this email, thanks.


Liberty Family Farm & Bakery of Hart

Hoop house Offerings – Tomatoes – Squash – Kale -Swiss Chard -Onions Mixed Greens -Carrots -Beets

Bakery Offerings Paleo Breakfast Cookies Breakfast Cookies Fresh Quiche GF & Regular Muffins Paleo Morning Glory Muffins and more…

Grass Fed Meats

Grass Fed Lamb – all cuts!

Pasture Raised Chicken Non GMO

Turkey Sign Up!!!!!!


Hickory Ridge Family Farm

Hickory Ridge Family Farm will be at the market this Saturday to deliver Freedom Ranger chickens to our pre-order customers. We will also have limited quantities of whole frozen Freedom Rangers available for purchase, as well as pastured chicken eggs. We look forward to seeing you at market!


Earthscape Farm of Hesperia

PLEASE NOTE:  We will not be at Market on September 20th or 27th


Presence Kombucha

From Brittany & Sam:

We are excited to introduce you to Presence Kombucha! We started fermenting kombucha for our own personal consumption and soon found ourselves sharing with friends, neighbors and strangers.


Brittany began experimenting with adding her favorite herbs to the kombucha, creating special blends for specific purposes. After a chance meeting with one of West Michigan’s premier herbalists, who upon sampling one of our herbal blends declared it the “elixir of love”, we were encouraged to explore the idea of a Kombucha Share. Our unique infusion of various herbs into our batches can be made applicable to each shareholder based on their health history and the vision they have for their present health and wellness situation.


Setting us apart from other kombucha is this customized infusion of herbs, along with a drastically lower price (Presence is 13 cents per ounce compared to store bought kombucha at 25 cents per ounce).  We use all organic ingredients in every one of our flavors of kombucha and our flavor selection is extensive and pretty fun!


If you are interested in learning more about our kombucha share, give us a holler atpresencekombucha@gmail.com or better yet, stop by for a free sample at Sweetwater’s this Saturday!


From our moment to yours,


Sam and Brittany







Good Greens!

Grab some Great Greens this Saturday at the market!

Sweetwater Local Foods Market

Saturday, June 14th, 2014, 9:00am to 12:00 noon
 Mercy Health Lakes Campus
On 6401 Harvey St. at US31/Pontaluna Rd. Exit. 1st Bldg North of Pontaluna Rd.

We are a Bridge Card & DUFB Market!


Please note: We are now open from 9:00am to 12 noon. If you find a website or link with the old hours that we haven’t changed please email us and send us a link!


Attending this Saturday’s market:


Mund Farm of Rothbury

ASPARAGUS! We will be at market with our Certified Organic Asparagus.


Crow Feather Farm of Hesperia

We’re excited to return to Sweetwater Market this weekend!
After a long, slow start things are finally growing quickly here on the farm – our offering will only increase in bounty as the season progresses!  For now, we are pleased to offer:

Our own custom blend Brassica Salad Mix

Tasty Lettuce Salad Mix – always fresh, never bitter

D’Avignon “French Breakfast” radishes

Dried Cayenne and Habanero peppers

Look for more variety next week 🙂  See you Saturday!

Nic Parton and Carolyn Harper

Crow Feather Farm

4158 E M-20

Hesperia, MI  49421
(231) 301 – 3418

Shady Side Farm of Holland

We will not be at market on June 21, so stock up this week! This week we will be at market with 1 and 2 pound bags of our certified organic beans in the following varieties:

Black Calypso (near the end of our supply) – Creamy plump texture, nutty, mellow russet potato like flavor

Black Turtle – Common black bean, great in Mexican dishes

Black Valentine – Tastes a little like kidney beans, great for salads, soups and dips

Hutterite Soup – Comfort food, cook fast, creamy soup, baby food

Jacob’s Cattle – Big and meaty, taste & texture of new potatoes, traditional baked beans, chili

Jacob’s Cattle Gold – Hold shape w/ long cooking, soak up other flavors well, soups and stews

Marrow – Creamy bean with a slight taste of bacon, good in soups and baked beans

Nuña – Good for sautéing in pan with oil and spices (soak first!), taste like fried potatoes

October – Creamy, velvety smooth texture, nutty, sweet flavor, thin skin, soups or chili

Pinto – Earthy flavor, great in Mexican cooking, falls apart under long cooking


We are out of several of our varieties already. If you have a favorite bean, you might want to stock up on it.
In addition, we’ll have Grassfield Farms raw aged cheeses along in the following flavors:

Chili – Gouda with Red Chili flakes, this mild and creamy cheese has delightful spice without being too hot.

Country Dill – A house favorite, the dill herb in Gouda well represents the fresh grass that dominates the cows’ diet.

Edam – A variety of Gouda made with skim milk: Elastic, yet firm, this flawless low fat cheese is our best melter, improving any dish.

Garlic & Onion – The most aromatic of herbs. Don’t be the only one in the room to eat this spiced Gouda or you soon will be.

Gouda – A traditional handmade cheese in keeping with West Michigan’s (and our family’s) Dutch culture.

Lamont Cheddar A rare, natural rind English cheese, named for the Grand River’s first settlement near our farm.

Shady Side Farm


Earthscape Farm of Hesperia

We should have a full supply of all cuts.  Advance Orders will be accepted until 7pm Friday evening.  earthscapefarm@gmail.com.  Please put Beef Order in the subject line.  Thanks!


Grilling Steaks ~ Tenderloin, Porterhouse, NY Strip, RibEye, TBone, Sirloin, Rib Steaks

Braising Steaks ~ Swiss & Round

Roasts ~ Rolled Rump, Arm, English & Chuck

Kabob Beef for Grilling

Ground Sirloin

Lean Ground Beef

Specialty cuts ~ Skirt Steak, Flank Steak & Brisket!

Short Ribs

Soup Bones & Oxtail

Liver, Heart and Tongue

Gardeners: Parsley & Basil plants!

We are out of ORGANIC OLIVE OIL ~ If anyone makes regular trips to Traverse City, would be willing to pick up my order at Higher Grounds,  and would like to get a discount on coffee and oil, LET ME KNOW!

HIGHER GROUNDS COFFEE in  12 oz bags.  Certified organic, Fair Trade. Various types, beans or ground, dark or medium roast, full caf, half caf or decaf. Try a cup at the Sweetwater Market table!


September’s Herbs & Produce of Montague

Whats Blooming this week:

We are in a between flower crops this weekend but we’re hoping to have the following…

*Small flower Bouquets* Ranunculus


*Lettuce Mix



*Red Russian Kale


Culinary Herbs:

*Poultry Blend (sage, marjoram, rosemary, thyme)



*Fresh Baby Mint (either for juicing or mojitos)

*Fresh Bronze Fennel (excellent with egg dishes & juicing)
*Lovage (parsley & celery flavor great for curry dishes)

Please contact us for any pre-orders by Thursday.

September’ Herbs and Produce LLC


cell #(231) 557-9838



Laughing Tree Bakery of Hart

Hazel Road is where we make our humble abode here in Oceana County and the Hazel Road Rustic is a humble and sweet loaf of bread made with organic corn polenta, organic Michigan grown rye flour, organic wheat flour, and a bit of sweet molasses.  Based on old time Anadama bread it’s just great everyday fare…  Especially nice for breakfast with soft goat cheese and  a wee bit of honey.

Come find it and many other naturally leavened breads at a farmer’s market near you!

We’ll see you there…


Homesteader’s Wheat (An extraordinary light wheat bread with a wonderfully chewy crust) $5.50  ($5.50 in stores)

Oceana Round  ( Rustic Italian country bread) $5.00

Third Coast Three Seed  (Sunnies, Sesames, and Flax in a light wheat) $6.00

The Michigander (made with Michigan-grown whole wheat—dark and soulful) $5.50

Annie’s Raisin Spice (sweet organic raisins, organic cinnamon, and freshly ground cardamom) $6.50  ($6.50 in stores)

Griff’s 8-Grain (Hearty, hearty! Eight organic grains and a bit of Michigan honey) $6.50

Finn’s Pecan Raisin Pecan (Jam packed with pecans and organic raisins) $8.75

100% whole grain Kamut: Light and moist with a fruity flavor, a great loaf for folks with wheat sensitivities. $6.50

Elbridge Parmesan Olive (Sumptuous parmesan and Kalamata black olives) $8.00


Cheddar Peppercorn (Smooth Vermont Cheddar accompanied by tongue tingling black pepper).  Price $8.00  ($8.00 in stores)

Hazel Road Rustic:  An old-time New England bread made with organic cornmeal (Michigan grown), rye, and golden molasses.  A bread with a slightly sweet, complex flavor.  Great for french toast or slathered with jam.  $6.00 a loaf. ($6.00 in stores)


Deep Mud Brownies Our brownies are made with extraordinary Callebaut dark chocolate, our own fresh eggs, and Michigan grown organic barley flour—they are amazing!!

$3.25 each  ($3.75 in stores)

Mrs. Moose’s Whangdangdoodlers Chunks of Valrhona dark chocolate, OG walnuts, and real OG butter make this a cookie you’ll never forget.  $2.50 each ($3.00 in stores)

Treehuggers The one and only quarter pound peanut buttery original. Sweetened with Michigan Maple and Honey.  $2.50 each.  ($3.00 in stores)

Blueberry Scones

Pecan Date Scones

Cranberry Orange Scones

Truly Ginger Scones

Michigan Cherry Scones

Our delicious scones are $2.50 at market ($3.00 in stores)

They are all made with organic butter, organic cream, and fresh local eggs!

MOUNTAIN CRUNCH GRANOLA (Local Honey, almonds, OG oats, OG coconut oil, OG sunflower seeds, OG coconut, safflower oil, sea salt)  $8.00/pound  ($8.50 in stores)

LAUGHING TREE PEANUT BUTTER GRANOLA (OG oats, OG sunflower seeds, OG coconut, all-natural Peanut butter, OG coconut oil, sea salt)  $8.00/pound  ($8.50 in stores)


Funny Farm of Grant

We’ll have green onions, limited amount of shiitake mushrooms, asparagus, fresh oregano and parsley, dried herbs, sweet and hot peppers and garlic, Himalayan Sea salt, eggs, and anything else we can find.


Five Oaks Farm CSA of Montague

CSA members, your half or full share will be waiting for you on Friday at the farm or Saturday at the market!


Maple Moon Farm of Shelby




Oceana Mix

Tat Soi



Turnip Greens






Green Garlic


Fresh Herbs






Simply Soaps of Spring Lake
This week along with all the other products I’ll have a rich & luscious Body Butter! Caution: You’ll want to eat it because it smells so good! Made with Shea, Mango & Cocoa Butters, Almond & Coconut Oils and Vanilla & Orange Essential Oils. Yum!!

Products include:
Body Wash
Bar Soaps
Foaming Hand Soap
Lip Balm
Sugar Scrub
Body Butter
Bath Salts & Bombs
Laundry Soap & Stain Sticks
Freeze Spray
(pain relief)
Heated Rice Bags
Insect Repellent
(people and pets)
Samples will be available for the Insect Spray, Body Butter, Freeze Spray, Tuscany Perfume & Lemon Sugar Scrub!
Each product at Simply Soaps is created and manufactured without the use of chemicals, preservatives or artificial ingredients of any kind. The colors and scents used are from nature, essential oils and whenever possible are made from organic ingredients.


Liberty Family Farm and Bakery

Garden Offerings

Fresh Spinach

Green Onions

Lettuce Mix


Free Range Eggs

Happy Chickens free range and fed non-GMO grains!

Grass Fed Lamb

All cuts available!

Bakery Offerings

Fresh Rhubarb Custard Crumb Pie! Made with our very own fresh rhubarb.

Organic Blackberry bars.

Maple Almond Granola made with thick cuts oats and local maple syrup.

All varieties of breakfast cookies.

Fresh Quiche made with spinach, fresh green onions and organic cheddar.

Paleo- Grain free Breakfast Cookies!

Strawberry Rhubarb Coffee Cake.

Asparagus & Goat Cheese Galettes!

Ciabatta bread.


Hope to see you at the market.






First Indoor Winter Mkt Opens with Customer Appreciation Day!

you plus us
It’s true!

Sweetwater Local Foods Market

Saturday, October 26th, 2013, 9:00am to 1:00pm
 Mercy Health Partners Lakes Campus
On 6401 Harvey St. at US31/Pontaluna Rd. Exit. 1st Bldg North of Pontaluna Rd.

We accept Bridge Cards Year Round!




Well, of course we appreciate you EVERY day,

but we want to take this Saturday to tell you just how much!

Stop by the Sweetwater Center info table and enter a drawing for one of 12 of our brand new snazzy Sweetwater Market bags with a very special gift certificate inside. Sample a sip of the most delicious organic Apple Cider this side of the Rocky Mountains. Sweetwater is selling 1/2 gallons of Kaleva-based Northern Naturals Certified Organic Apple Cider as a market fundraiser. Grab an organic treat for the kids. Then, after you’ve wandered through the market sampling all the goodies,  proceed to the back and grab a CHAIR MASSAGE provided by Weiss Chiropractic Wellness of Spring Lake!


Attending this Saturday’s market:


New! The Orange Whisk of Grand Haven

Susan Clemente, well-known author of Michigan’s Guide to Local Cooking, is now making tasty gluten-free snacks to bring to market on Saturday. She will have sweet & savory nut and seed based treats for sale. All items this week are vegan.

This weeks offerings include:

• Crackers – Flax or Seeds
• Sweet bites – Pecan/Date Bites or Almond/Coconut Bites.
• Hearty Nutty Loaf
• Vegan Trail Mix Cookies – Soft or Crunchy varieties

Susan is interested in creating products for families or individuals on special diets. Her products are baked in a wheat-free home kitchen; however, if you have food allergies she is available to make her products in your kitchen. Special requests are always welcome.

Susan creates wheat-free, and refined sugar-free snacks, sweets, and breads. She uses high-quality ingredients, when possible local and /or organic, to bake and make her products.  She uses products from local family farms i.e. honey, maple syrup, eggs and chestnuts.  She uses no preservatives, and ONLY bakes with ingredients your grandmother would recognize!

Please visit her Facebook page for more information, photos and weekly updates! https://www.facebook.com/pages/Orange-Whisk/137119332998928


Scholl Farms of Montague

Stu Scholl will have free-range chicken, frozen whole, butternut squash & potatoes at market tomorrow. Chickens were raised on pasture their entire lives this summer! No GMOs!


Earthscape Farm of Hesperia

BEEF!  We have ground beef!  If you would like 10 packages, we are taking orders.  We will have all cuts of beef next week.

Some of the cuts from the last few butcherings  are ON SALE!  

SPECIALS: SHORT RIBS, Beef Heart, Tongue  $2 per lb.  

1/4 lb patties – $5.75 per lb.

Boneless Steaks:  Tenderloin steaks – the best cut of beef on a side  $20 per lb.

Roasts:  Boneless Rib,  Chuck.  Roasts are $6 and $6.50 per lb.

Swiss Steak   $6.50 per lb.

Soup Bones  $2 per lb.

Oxtail $5 per lb.  I have one on sale for $3 per lb.

Liver  $3 per lb.

VEGETABLES~  Sweet Peppers are ON SALE ~ Red and Green and Purple. Fill a red basket! They are easy to freeze, and are a great source of Vitamin C throughout the winter.

The last of the Eggplant.

Celeriac!   Broccoli and Cauliflower.  Cabbages, Kohlrabi.

Red and Yellow Onions,   POTATOES!  Blue Gold and Kennebec.   Chard and Kale.  Fresh  Herbs!

ORGANIC OLIVE OIL ~ Imported by Higher Grounds in Traverse City.  $15 per bottle!

New Shipment: HIGHER GROUNDS COFFEE in 1# bags.  Certified organic, Fair Trade. Various types, beans or ground, dark or medium roast, full caf, half caf or decaf. Try a cup at the Sweetwater Market table!


Liberty Family Farm & Bakery of Hart

Fresh Greens!



Lettuce mix & Arugula

Pastured Meat

Grass fed Lamb

Ground lamb

Roasts & Ribs

Leg Steaks

Chicken – Whole, leg quarters & wings

Bakery Offerings

Breakfast cookies – Gluten Free and Reg.

Quiches – Kale & onion cheddar

Spinach & Cheddar

Potato & Rosemary

Ciabatta Bread

Pumpkin Bread

Apple Muffins

New!!! Paleo Breakfast Cookie

See you at the market! Stay warm!


September’s Herbs & Produce of Montague


Till then enjoy what we have to offer:


Baby Kale

Baby Arugula

Mixed Greens (our heart healthy mix)




Heirloom Tomatoes(all colors & sizes)

Don’t forget the herbs:


Parsley (curly & flat- leaf) Amazing amount of vitamin C!!

Marjoram( lovely flavor my personal favorite)

Sage (savory herb)

Bronze Fennel (perfect for juicing)

Flower Blends:

The beauty of color is still abundant!!

Dahlias, zinnias, sunflowers and statice


Shady Side Farm of Holland

We will be at market with certified organic beans, wool roving, wool socks, and Grassfield Farm’s awesome cheese! The aged raw milk cheese flavors we will have along this week include: Country Dill, Edam, Fait Gras, Gouda, Lamont Cheddar and Polkton Corners.

Because we have started to harvest the new crop, all last year’s beans, including Black Valentine, Hutterite Soup, Jacob’s Cattle, Jacob’s Cattle Gold, Nuña, October and Yellow Indian Woman, are now discounted. Time to make room in our storehouse for this year’s beans. These are still wonderful beans, still fresher than what you’d find in the stores. Stop at our booth to see if there is anything you’d like to stock up on while the price is right. We’ll also have fresh Black Turtle, Pinto, Hidatsa Red, Marrow, and Zebra beans along for sale this Saturday.

We have a few openings for raw milk deliveries through Grassfields Farm’s cow share program. Feel free to ask me how you can get fresh milk delivered to Sweetwater each week.

See you Saturday!

Shady Side Farm


Maple Moon Farm of Shelby



Lettuce Mix

Mustard Greens

Ovation Mix (baby greens including kale, mustards, bok choy, and arugula)





Winter Squash


Cabbage (red and savoy)

Fresh herbs




Our three Tea blends



NEW THIS WEEK!  Breathe Deep We gathered the plant medicine in New England Aster and Mullein, along with garden grown sage, thyme, rosemary, and peppermint to help offer comfort and relief to upper respiratory infections.  Our traditional blend contains essential oils (organic and medical grade) of eucalyptus and pine.  We also make a gentle version with no essential oils for children and other sensitive folks.


Funny Farm of Grant

This week’s produce list:

Onions! Big red & yellow slicing onions. Italian Cippolinis, SHALLOTS

Peppers! Hot peppers, Sweet green bells, Italian sweet reds, beautiful colors.
Getting near the end of the season for bulk peppers for the freezer!

Greens&Roots! kales, kohlrabi, rutabagas, cabbages, big and small,
and anything else we can find!

Potatoes! Choose from 6 or more varieties.

Eggs! Mixed flock of whites & browns.

Apron Lady & Janet will be at Mamreland Lutheran Church Craft Show
4085 Lutheran Church Road, Kent City.


Meadow View Goat Dairy & Farm of Fremont

Come sample our latest batch!

Plain Chevreʹ                                                            

Fresh chevre with a nice spreading consistency, perfect for sandwich toppings and cooking. Cherry Capital Foods of Traverse City says  ” The chèvre produced by Meadow View has a pitch perfect acidity on the palate that becomes gently sweet and milky with a grassy note on the finish.”

Seasoned Chevreʹ                                                     

Our fresh Chevre available in your favorite flavorings: Blueberry Vanilla (great on a morning bagel!) Hickory-smoked bacon Bits, Garlic, Italian Herb, & Hot Pepper


A smooth and creamy feta which is low in salt and rich in fresh goat milk flavor. The brining process gives feta cheese a salty, tangy flavor and a crumbly consistency. Feta cheese can be served as a table cheese, used in baking savory dishes, or served as an appetizer or in salads. The classic Greek salad is made with Feta cheese. In crumbles or cubes for easy slicing.

Dutch Kase                                                               

A Meadow View Dairy original! If you are looking for a nicely aged but milder version of our Tomme, this is the cheese for you. Vacuum sealed without mold and aged at least 60 days.

Tomme de Fremont                                     

Our first aged cheese is quickly becoming a customer favorite! Developed from a French recipe, Tomme is a lower fat mold ripened cheese, aged at least 60 days. This gives the cheese a stronger flavor & firmer texture than the fresh Chevres, perfect for slicing.

Other items from our farm:

We will also have eggs from our free-range, GMO feed- free flock as well as our made on the farm maple syrup along. http://www.meadowviewgoatdairy.com/home


Kasza Sugar Bush of Shelby

CHRISTMAS IS COMING!!! Come get the perfect, all-natural gift from our large selection of super-sweet Maple Products for that special someone.

The Kasza family began making Pure Maple Syrup from the two trees in our front yard about 15 years ago. Every year since then we have grown in production and quality, today bringing you pure maple products made from cutting-edge technology (and the help of 3,500 trees!). Our maple syrup is continually graded for color, taste, and quality during production. Our processing facility is kept clean and sanitary as well as inspected and licensed by the State of Michigan.

Along with our bottled syrup, we have also expanded our line of maple products this summer to include the following:

Maple Cream – this is maple syrup condensed, cooled, and stirred into a beautiful buttery-like spread excellent on bagels, toast, doughnuts, winter squash, or a glaze on meat (esp. fish, and venison). The best thing about this is that it is totally natural only pure maple syrup.

Maple Candy – an excellent treat for someone’s sweet tooth. Simply pure maple syrup cooked down to only sugar and minerals remaining with enough moisture to hold the sugar in beautiful little maple leaf shaped candies.

Maple Granulated Sugar – is much like Maple Candy but without moisture. This can be used in place of white sugar as a natural sweetener along with the maple taste (esp. on oatmeal)

Maple Sugar-Coated Almonds and Pecans – a healthy sweet and crunchy treat.  These make great gifts if they don’t get eaten before that!!!

Please stop by and check out all these 100% natural products for yourself. We would be very happy to answer any questions or visit our web www.kaszasugarbush.com Looking forward to seeing you Saturday!


Laughing Tree Bakery of Hart

BREADS: Each week we bake our seven scrumptious weekly breads (listed below) as well as one or more specialty breads.  Please consult the schedule below to find out when we are making your favorite specialty bread!

GRANOLA!  We make two different varieties of granola: Mountain Crunch Granola (pure vanilla, toasted almonds, and organic coconut oil) and Laughing Tree Peanut Butter Granola (all-natural PB, pure vanilla, and Michigan honey)


Homesteader’s Wheat (An extraordinary light wheat bread with a wonderfully chewy crust) $5.00

 Oceana Round  ( Rustic Italian country bread) $5.00

Third Coast Three Seed  (Sunnies, Sesames, and Flax in a light wheat) $5.50

The Michigander (made with Michigan-grown whole wheat—dark and soulful) $5.50

Annie’s Raisin Spice (sweet organic raisins, organic cinnamon, and freshly ground cardamon) $6.00

Griff’s 8-Grain (Hearty, hearty! Eight organic grains and a bit of Michigan honey) $6.50

Finn’s Pecan Raisin Pecan (Jam packed with pecans and organic raisins) $8.25

100% whole grain Kamut: Light and moist with a fruity flavor, a great loaf for folks with wheat sensitivities. $6.00


Elbridge Parmesan Olive (Sumptuous parmesan and Kalamata black olives) $8.00

Pumpernickel Rye A new twist on an old Eastern European standard.  Cracked Rye and Caraway seed in a dark, chewy loaf. $6.00

Irish Cheddar Peppercorn (Smooth Irish Cheddar accompanied by tongue tingling black pepper).  Price $8.00

Pastries available for Saturday:  

Hilltoppers (A 4oz cookie sweetened with golden molasses and bits of candied ginger)  $2.25 each

Treehuggers( The one and only quarter pound peanut buttery original.)  $2.25 each.

Expedition Cookies- The kitchen sink including bits of chocolate, coconut, and raisins rolled into whole oats and barley flour.   $2.25 each

Cranberry Orange Scones

Truly Ginger Scones

Michigan Cherry Scones

Pecan Date Scones

(All our scones are $2.25 each* and are handmade with our own fresh eggs, organic cream, and organic butter)

Deep Mud Brownies $2.75 each* Our brownies are made with extraordinary Callebaut dark chocolate, our own fresh eggs, and Michigan grown organic barley flour—they are amazing!!


Olson Farm of Shelby

SALE on SYRUP! Just for Customer Appreciation Day, I am rolling back my Taste of Spring syrup prices to 2010!  Grab a quart, pint or 12oz bottle for yourself and/or a gift for someone else. Prices won’t be this low again, ever!

Vegetables this week: Carrots, turnips, beets, potatoes. Last of the Broccoli!


Chickadee Creek Farm of Nunica

Whew! We have some bacon lovers in Muskegon – one week and we’re all sold out again! But we will have a good supply of  pork chops, pork steak, roasts, smoked hocks, ham, and other cuts.   This new supply will not be from our Mulefoots, but from another wonderful old breed called Tamworth.   These pigs have been nicknamed “Irish Graziers”, referring to their active and thrifty habits on pasture.  While they are a little leaner than Mulefoots, their meat is every bit as tasty.  We will also have our same great selection of 100% pork sausages from our heritage breed Mulefoot pigs.

Veggies this week include: many varieties of heirloom winter squash.   All of our carving pumpkins and ornamental squash will be on sale this week so be sure to pick out your perfect one before they are gone!  A few of our other squash are selling fast as well, so if you have a particular favorite, you may want to check in with us to see how much longer they will be available.


Hickory Ridge Family Farm


We will be bringing our regular pastured broilers, all cuts and whole. All frozen.


Crow Feather Farm of Hesperia

Order your Halloween Jack o-lantern this week!  We have lots of big ones!

Beautiful, edible Indian corn

“Baby Pam” pie pumpkins are perfect for pie and cookies

Winter squash – Delicata, Butternuts, “Old Mother” Hubbards

Brassica salad mix

Baby lettuce mix

Kale and chard

Giant Kohlrabi


Yukon Gold potatoes




Thanks so much for being our customers!

Hope to see you at the Market!


Wednesday Pop-Up Market Time!

Get Your Peppers at the Pop-Up Tonight!

Sweetwater Local Foods Market

Wednesday Evening Pop-Up Market at Tanglewood Park

September 18th, 2013, 5:00pm to 7:00pm
 560 Seminole Rd., Norton Shores 49444


Only 2 Wednesday markets left!

Popup market season will officially end on Wednesday,  September 25th!


Vendors attending this Wednesday’s market:


Funny Farm of Grant

Beautiful peppers, reds for roasting, greens for stuffing….

Also: Broccoli, okra, eggplant in lots of colors and shapes,
cherry tomatoes in lots of colors, scallions, Italian cippolini onions,
kales, kohlrabi, heirloom tomatoes, rutabagas, red & green cabbages,

Red & White Yukon Gold potatoes & at least 4 other varieties.

Zucchini, winter squash.

Eggs! Mixed flock of whites & browns.


Maple Moon Farm of Shelby

Tomatoes-a variety of heirlooms, red, orange, yellow, and pink!

Sweet Bell Peppers-beautiful red ones!


Hot Peppers

Green Beans (green, yellow, purple, and dragon)


Cabbage (green, red, and savoy)

Pickles and Cucumbers


Summer Squash (zucchini, yellow crooked neck, and trombocino)



Swiss Chard

Fresh Herbs including basil, Thai basil, parsley, dill, and more

We have three great healthy herbal tea blends, all are caffeine free.


Ladybug Botanicals of Whitehall

Kim Wood joins us tonight bringing her organic glycerin based soaps handmade in small batches with herbs and flowers added.


Hope to see you at the pop-up market tonight!

Sweetwater “kicks it up a notch” this summer with a second weekday evening market!

Sweetwater Logo

Opening Wednesday, July 3rd – Sweetwater Pop-up Farmers’ Market at

Tanglewood LogoTanglewood Park in the heart of Norton Shores!


The Sweetwater Local Foods Market, West Michigan’s  “healthy, humane & homegrown” farmers market currently operating every Saturday from 9:00am to 1:00pm at the Mercy Partners Lakes Campus building on Harvey St. near Pontaluna Rd.,  is  “kicking it up a notch” this summer; adding a second weekday evening “pop-up” market  beginning Wednesday, July 3rd from  5:00p.m. to  7:00p.m.in the parking lot of Tanglewood Park Services,  560 Seminole Rd. in Norton Shores.

As long-time customers of Sweetwater know, the market supports and encourages organic and sustainable growing practices, requiring all who sell at the market to sign a  Pledge to Our Customers that details those organic and GMO-free practices.  The market began operations in July of 2005 at Russ’ Restaurant parking lot and after a search for a year-round location began operating full time in 2007 at the Mercy Partners Lakes Campus location.

With organic farming becoming one of the fastest growing segments of U.S. agriculture (even during the worst of the economic woes of  2000-2008, the industry grew at an annual rate of around 18%), the decision to open a second market was easy. “Consumers are becoming increasingly selective about where they will spend their food dollars, making those decisions based on their values and awareness about health and environmental concerns,” said Diana Jancek, Sweetwater’s co-founder & market manager. “For them, it matters whether foods are genetically engineered, or produced using practices that are good for their families.”

The new “pop-up”  Market will run every Wednesday from July 3rd until late September from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Locally grown fresh produce, baked goods, cheeses, meats and more will be featured. The Market is conveniently located on the Sixth Street MATS bus line that makes stops at that location every hour on the hour. http://www.matsbus.com/schedules-and-maps/sixth.

Sweetwater board member Patrice Bobier of Earthscape Farm commented that  “We are  extremely grateful for the staff at Tanglewood Park, especially Executive Director of Senior Resources, Pam Curtis, who helped to make this new market possible.”

Visit the Good Food News blog at http://sweetwaterlocalfoodsmarket.wordpress.com/ where a weekly market newsletter is posted, and also the Sweetwater Local Foods market Facebook page for up-to-date information.

Greening of West Michigan….finally!

Wild Ramps at Sweetwater this Saturday!

Sweetwater Local Foods Market

Saturday, April 27th, 2013, 9:00am to 1:00pm
 Mercy Health Partners Lakes Campus
On 6401 Harvey St. at US31/Pontaluna Rd. Exit. 1st Bldg North of Pontaluna Rd.

We accept Bridge Cards Year Round!


Attending this week’s market:


New! Sweetwater Pre-Ordering Service Begins Sunday, April 28th!

Creswick Farms will be leaving the market as of April 27th, and we wish them well.

We know that some of you who prefer the convenience of pre-ordering your meat are wondering if that can continue at Sweetwater, and the answer is YES!

Beginning this Sunday, April 28th you will be receiving an email from the market with price lists and ordering info from the following farms: Earthscape Farm (beef & eggs), Chickadee Creek Farm (pork & eggs), Liberty Family Farm (lamb, chicken, pork & eggs), Hickory Ridge Family Farm (pork, chicken & eggs), and Maple Moon Farm (pork & eggs).

You will have several days to put an order in which we will send off to the individual farms who will fill the orders and bring them to the market. If this service goes as well as we think it will we may expand it to offer other items as well! Thanks for your loyalty to our little market!


Shady Side Farm of Holland

Lona from Shady Side Farm will be at market with their certified organic dry beans. This week’s special is the Jacob’s Cattle Bean. The 2-lb. bags of these beautiful red beans will be available for $10, regularly $11.50. In addition, she will have Grassfields Farm Cheese along this week in the following flavors: Country Dill, Edam, Gouda, Lamont Cheddar, Leyden, and Polkton Corners. Lona is trying out some new real-estate this week–look for her on the south side of the stairs, over by Earthscape. Questions? Contact Shady Side Farm shadysidefarmmichigan@gmail.com


Chickadee Creek Farm of Nunica

The weather is FINALLY warm enough to think about grilling! May we suggest some of our favorites: Juicy Ribs, and Plenty of Pork Chops & Steaks too! We’ll also have our delicious picnic hams, smoked ham slices, smoked hocks and more! Our Mulefoot pork was selected as a Heritage Breed by the Slow Ark of Food.


Maple Moon Farm of Shelby

This week we have a variety of greens; baby lettuce salad mix, kale, and spinach.

Mother Nature has grown ramps and garlic chives.  These have intense and incredible flavors!  Ramps are delicate and unfortunately are often over and improperly harvested.  We are committed to sustainable and ethical wild harvesting.

We have our normal spread of herbal products; herbal teas, creams, lip balms, and a few remaining salves.

PRE-ORDER ONLY: Ground Breakfast Sausage!  From our pastured pigs.  We love sausage and spinach together.  $6.50 per pound, or 10 pounds for $60.  Please email maplemoonfarm@gmail.com or call 231.861.2535 by Friday night with your order.

We are offering a unique opportunity for you to invest in our farm.  Our Seed to Harvest program allows you to redeem your financial investment with an additional 10% in farm produce.  Please ask us for more information.


Laughing Tree Brick Oven Bakery of Hart

After a quiet week at the Muller homestead, we are ready to re-immerse ourselves in baking the highest quality naturally leavened breads we know how.  Please check our location schedule below for the upcoming late spring/summer season.  We’ll be at Sweetwater this Saturday! Our thanks to you, our most loyal customers for including us in West Michigan’s burgeoning local foods community!

HAVE YOU TRIED OUR GRANOLA LATELY?  We make two different varieties of granola: Mountain Crunch Granola (pure vanilla, toasted almonds, and organic coconut oil) and Laughing Tree Peanut Butter Granola (all-natural PB, pure vanilla, and Michigan honey).

Both of these granolas are baked in our wood-fired brick oven after the intense bread-baking heat has dissipated (after several days).  They are baked at a low temperature to ensure that the nutrients in the grains and seeds remain intact!  Please note, these granolas are SWEETENED ONLY WITH MICHIGAN HONEY!  There is absolutely no refined sugar in them.  They are both wonderful with milk or yogurt or as part of a trail mix.  Our children love them!  We often have samples of each variety available at market—come have a taste!


Homesteader’s Wheat (An extraordinary light wheat bread with a wonderfully chewy crust) $5.00

 Oceana Round  ( Rustic Italian country bread) $5.00

 Third Coast Three Seed  (Sunnies, Sesames, and Flax in a light wheat) $5.50

The Michigander (made with Michigan-grown whole wheat—dark and soulful) $5.50

Annie’s Raisin Spice (sweet organic raisins, organic cinnamon, and freshly ground cardamon) $6.00

Griff’s 8-Grain (Hearty, hearty! Eight organic grains and a bit of Michigan honey) $6.50

Finn’s Pecan Raisin Pecan (Jam packed with pecans and organic raisins) $8.25

100% whole grain Kamut: Light and moist with a fruity flavor, a great loaf for folks with wheat sensitivities. $6.00


Pumpernickel Rye A new twist on an old Eastern European standard.  Cracked Rye and Caraway seed in a dark, chewy loaf. $6.00

Chile Cheddar   Whoa-homegrown, pickled jalapeno peppers coupled with mild cheddar cheese makes for great flavor with a little kick.  Fresh or toasted, great as an accompaniment to soup or chili.  $8.00

Pastries available for Saturday:  

Cranberry Orange Scones

Truly Ginger Scones

Michigan Cherry Scones

Lovely Lemon Poppyseed Scones

(All our scones are $2.25 each* and are handmade with our own fresh eggs, organic cream, and organic butter)

Deep Mud Brownies $2.75 each* Our brownies are made with extraordinary Callebaut dark chocolate, our own fresh eggs, and Michigan grown organic barley flour—they are amazing!!

Orange Mud Brownies $2.75 each* Deep Mud brownies infused with candied orange peel.


Liberty Family Farm and Bakery of Hart

From the Hoop house

Limited mixed greens and spinach.  It has been quite cold and cloudy.

Let’s hope for Spring to warm up!!

From the Farm

Farm Fresh Eggs

New!! Grass-fed Lamb and Pastured Pork

We have a full selection of meat featuring

Sliced pepper bacon

Harwood bacon

Fresh Ham roasts, country style ribs, chops, ground and more…

From the Bakery

A new selection of artisan bread whole wheat, ciabatta, 3 seed bread and challah

Breakfast cookies

Quiches- sausage & Cheddar, spinach,onion & cheddar

New! Spinach, onion, and ham turnovers  Made with our nitrate free ham.

New! Ham, onion & cheddar quiche

New!  Our own ham sliced lunch meat, organic cheddar sandwich on our

own Bollio 3 seeded roll.  Delicious!!

Cinnamon Rolls are back!!

New! Mixed Green Salad to go, with our mixed greens, dried cherries,

sliced almonds and organic cheddar.

Hope to see you at the market!

Italian brats, german brats, garlic basil brats, breakfast sausage and more…


Earthscape Farm of Hesperia

The BOBIER BEEF Story ~  We look forward to getting your pre-orders by Email, beginning this Sunday, April 28th! If you want more info about our farm in particular, including prices, send us an email at earthscapefarm@gmail.com .

Our steers and cows were born on our Farm, as were their great-great-great Grandmothers.  We’ve been doing rotational pastures since the 70’s.  We only buy bulls for breeding, and they come from reputable farmers in Michigan.  Our cows raise their own calves until they are weaned at about 9 months.  We raise our own hay, plus what we buy comes from our own neighborhood so we know how it was grown. Our cattle have access to 3-5 acre yards through the winter, with some barn access, fresh water, bedding straw, and all the hay they can eat.  The steers get minimal amounts of homegrown and ground grain during the colder months (like Dessert!).  We think this makes our beef tasty and tender, with all the benefits of grass-fed beef, too!  The cattle really hope the weather straightens out so they can get on pasture soon!

BEEF: We should have a good supply of all cuts as more beef is being picked up from Falmouth.

At the market this week:

SPECIALS: Ground Beef – 10 packages for $50.  1 Whole Brisket remains – make Corned Beef!

Ground beef  1 lb pkgs

Ground Sirloin

Ground Beef Patties  1/4 # each,  4 to a package

Bone-In:  Rib, T-Bone and Porterhouse Steaks

Boneless:  Tenderloin – Do a stir-fry with a small package or grill some larger steaks!

Boneless:  NY Strip, Sirloin and RibEye Steaks.

Roasts:  English, Arm and Chuck

Swiss Steak & Round Steak

Stew Meat

Short Ribs, also good for meaty soups

Soup Bones

Tongue,  Liver and Heart


Spinach from our small hoophouse!

We hope to have some nice Potatoes from the root cellar ~  White  Potatoes  (Kennebec, Russet, Bintje, Augusta)

Eggs from our small flock.

ORGANIC OLIVE OIL ~ Fair Trade, too!  Imported by Higher Grounds in Traverse City

New Shipment! HIGHER GROUNDS COFFEE in 1# bags.  Certified organic, Fair Trade. Various types, beans or ground, dark or light roast, full caf, half caf or decaf. Try a cup at the Sweetwater Market table!


Crow Feather Farm of Hesperia

We have a Facebook page now – check us out, and “like” us, please! https://www.facebook.com/CrowFeatherFarm?fref=ts

You can find us at the Earthscape Farm spot, this week we will be bringing our Baby Kale salad mix, beet greens, spinach, kale, parsley, cilantro, rosemary, and our eggs.


Funny Farm of Grant

We’ll be a market this week with fresh cut Spinach & Spring Mix!

Apron Lady & Janet will return as well!


Maple Creek Sugars of Fremont

Please note: If you ordered Grade B syrup, it will be ready and waiting for you to pick up this Saturday at Sweetwater – thanks!

Tate Luchies will be bringing our 2013 Maple Syrup this Saturday, and he will also have order forms on hand if you want to place an order for Grade B Maple Syrup -first come first served.  Grade B is wonderful for health drinks (most of us agree that it contains more minerals), excellent for cooking/baking (richer in flavor, see recipe above), and some people like it better in that it can “go a little further” as most people use less of it due to the slightly richer flavor.


Creswick Farms of Ravenna

From Creswick newsletter for April 27: This is the last Sweetwater Market for us until after Jan 1, 2014.  On May 4th, we resume our presence at the Muskegon Market.  If we can afford additional staff, we will return to the Sweetwater Market.


Hickory Ridge Family Farm of Ferry

Raised on pasture, our pigs get 60% of their diet from foraging. We’ll have our usual pork cuts: bacon, pork steaks, ham roasts, ham slices, ham hocks, ground pork in one pound pkgs, shoulder roasts and our newest product –  Smoked Ham Ends & Pieces! Use for flavoring all your soups, stews and casseroles. We’ll have eggs as well.


Saving Face Organics of Fruitport

New Product! Due to the large amount of requests for eyeliner, it is now available at the SFO booth – try some this week!

About SFO: Less than two years ago Susie Meyers became concerned about all the unknown chemicals in her body care products. She started to make her own, and then give samples away. Reaction was immediate and so overwhelmingly positive she started making cleansers, make-ups, masks, scrubs and lotions. Now she has also added products for men, and children!


Bees & Botanicals of Spring Lake 

  Pretty, Practical, Eco-friendly and Organic!

Our soaps are made with organic ingredients, no foaming agents added, only rosemary extract for preservative and only essentials oils used for a nice variety of scents (unscented also available) –  Lavender, Lavender Citrus, Honey, Shea & Oats, Simply Rosemary,Lemongrass Tea, Oats & Spice,Orange,  Vanilla & Oats (Dreamsicle)

By request – Soap Dishs now available in both pine and cedar
Pretty draw Cord embroidered bag with 2 oz. bar available in the Orange, Vanilla & Oats and Lavender (make nice gifts)

Fragrant and versatile Organic Lavender – Organza, embroidered, and hand colored organic Lavender Sachets.  Add natural fragrance to drawers, closets, clothing in storage, travel bags, desk drawers… it smells sweet, clean & fresh but also known to be a natural relaxant and also a moth deterrent.

100% Michigan beeswax candles; natural, bright, clean and long burning.

Tea lights back in stock!


Pet Chef Lakeshore of Twin Lake

Barb Pitcher, vendor of all natural dog and cat food, treats and dog chews.

Pet Chef Express quality dry kibble pet food. Made with high quality, human grade proteins, no meat byproducts, seven different vegetables, kelp, flax, oatmeal for healthy immune systems, pre- and probiotics for digestive health, omega 6 & 3 oils for a shiny healthy coat, glucosamine/chondroitin for joint health, low temperature cooking process to .prevent heat damage. Contains NO artificial preservatives, NO wheat, corn, soy, cereal fillers, artificial coloring.

Six specialty formulas for dogs with sensitive digestion and food allergies to cater to your pet’s need from weaning through all life stages, and three formulas for cats.

Pet Chef Express food is manufactured FRESH each month, available at the market or I deliver direct to the consumer with FREE HOME DELIVERY. Not available in retail stores, never sits in warehouses. Orders can be placed no later than FRIDAY evening by calling Barb at 231-288-9805, or email petcheflakeshore@gmail.com


Friends of the Market

If you would like to become a Friend of the Market for a suggested donation of $20.00, which entitles you to a free cup of coffee at every market you attend for a full year, please see me at the market this Saturday! We will also have  Higher Grounds Coffee by the Cup for a suggested donation of $1.00.


See you at the market!

Diana Jancek
Market Manager

Contact info: (231)292-1152, dijaan1@charter.net


We are a BRIDGE CARD market!

Correction to What’s New for June 4

Sweetwater Customers

I grabbed the wrong info for Earthscape Farm – they are NOT having a beef sale this week! Their corrected info for the June 4th market is below. Apologies to all.

Earthscape Farm of Hesperia
BEEF ~  Try our beef.  Our steers were on lush rotational pastures from May to November.  They get all our quality hay they can eat, plus a little home-grown and ground- on-the-farm grain in winter. They are hung to age and processed by Ebel’s Meats in Falmouth, a family-run USDA operation. Email us pre-orders by Friday 7pm.
Quarters of BEEF for sale.  This is the most economical way to purchase beef. Talk to me or email for more information.  If you have a special way you want your beef cut, order it by June 10th and it will be cut to your specifications. www.earthscapefarm@gmail.com

New Product! Organic Olive Oil from Palestine! 500 ML Bottles.  Organic, Extra Virgin and Cold Pressed
EGGS!  Our chickens are loving all the greens and sunshine!
VEGGIES this week ~ Fresh from the outside gardens ~ Spinach!  Scallions! Salad Greens! Pak Choi! Radishes!   Kale.   Herbs: Parsley, Dill, Chives, Oregano, Rosemary and Cilantro.  Also parsley plants.  May have a few more things – have to check in the morning.
HIGHER GROUNDS COFFEE in 1# bags ~  Various types, beans or ground, dark or light roast, full caf, half caf or decaf.
CSA – We still have shares available.  Email for more information.  Delivery to Bluffton Marina area on Monday evenings or Sweetwater on Saturdays.  Pick up on the Farm Monday or Thursday evenings.
Are you interested in interning on our farm?  We have housing, some meals and a weekly stipend available.  Call or email for more information.


Week Three of Our “Have Yourself a Made in West Michigan Christmas!”

December 6th Holiday Market
December 6th Holiday Market

Thanks so much to all of the brave souls (vendors & customers) who came out last Saturday in spite of the terrible weather!

Beautiful Christmas tree in Hackley Health atrium
Beautiful Christmas tree in Hackley Health atrium

One of the things we have come to love the most about the grand space we occupy in the winter is the beautiful and grand Christmas trees placed in three locations in the lobby & atrium. The two story prairie-style building almost seems to have been designed with Christmas in mind.

Of course, shuffling all the vendors around to make room for them is always a challenge, but the spirit they lend to our Holiday Market is well worth it.

Accomodating the great Christmas trees....
Accomodating the great Christmas trees....

This Saturday December 13th, looks like a better weather forecast. We have new vendors coming and others returning, so come on out and join us!

Abundant Harvest Bakery of Hart
Dennise & Elisa are baking up a storm (hmm, maybe I should tell them to stop…) and they will be bringing a great assortment of Christmas Goodies like Gingerbread Scones
Apple Galettes, Quiche, Holiday Pies & Gluten free Apple Cakes. Come sample a Christmas treat!
New Vendor!
Martinus Maple Syrup of West Olive

Martinus Sugar Shack
Martinus Sugar Shack

Making maple syrup or “sugaring off” brings winter to a close and allows spring to begin early at our sugarbush in West Olive off Lakeshore Drive. During the mud season of March, when there is often little to do out-of-doors, our sugar shack and sugarbush is bustling with activity: tapping, setting up equipment, collecting sap, getting firewood, boiling, collecting sap, boiling, tending fire, boiling, and finishing off. Syruping activities are often pleasantly interrupted by visiting small groups; rest home residents, church groups, fourth graders, garden club, cub scouts. . .
We learned the art of sugaring off via apprenticeship from an elderly neighbor, and it was soon in our blood. Our home-operation started in the early 1990s, and moved indoors into our sugar shack in 2001. Yearly, we tap about 80 trees, and with150 taps, produce on average, 25 gallons.
Bill and Shirley Martinus
17300 Beach Ridge Way
West Olive, MI 49460
Steve n’ Sons Grassfields Farm of Coopersville
Back this week! Fait Gras (European cheddar) & Chili Pepper
Great Gift Idea! Pound blocks of many varieties.

Certified Organic raw milk cheeses in the Dutch process tradition. Try Gouda, Gouda with Dill, Leyden, Gouda Spice (garlic & onion), Edam, Lamont Cheddar
Earthscape/Full Circle Farm of Hesperia
Bobier Farm-Raised Beef ~ Ground Beef, steaks, roasts (Standing Rib Roasts for Christmas!), stew meat, short ribs, soup bones, heart, tongue and beef liver. Our newest beef is 100% grass-fed; stock your freezers for winter!
Veggies: Red Onions, Celeriac, and Red and Savoy Cabbages ~ from storage in our root cellar.

Earthscape Holiday Table
Earthscape Holiday Table

Great Gift Idea! Organic Olive Oil! These oils are imported from all over the world. Grown, pressed and bottled on small organic farms. Incredible quality! Checkout http://organicoliveoilcompany.com
Now in stock:
Lakelands 250 ml decanter $25
Mansur 250 ml $12; 500 ml $18.
Catalan 250 ml $16; 500 ml $24
Moutere Grove 250 ml $20; 500 ml $35
Creswick Farms of Ravenna
Handcrafted Sausages and Specialty Meats

Back by customer demand: Red Hots Little Links! Smoked sausage with a kick!
Fresh-Aire Pastured Pork.
Hickory Smoked Nitrite-Free Bacon, Boneless Pork Chops, Pork Breakfast sausage in links & bulk.
Pork Sausages include: Garlic Kielbasa and German Thuringer. Also Chicago Style Beef and Pork Hotdogs.
Chicken Sausages include: Apple/Chicken Sausage Links and Chicken with Spinach & Feta Cheese.
Pastured Chicken
Smoked Chicken. Also: Whole Broilers, Ground Chicken.
Grass-fed Beef
New items!
Rib-Eye Steak and Shitake Mushroom Beef Burgers. Also: Filet Mignon, T-Bone Steak, Chuck Roast, Round Roast and Beef Shank (great cut for the crock pot!), Ground Beef in 1 lb pkg and ¼ lb Beef Burgers 4/pkg
For a complete list of products, please see the website: www.CreswickFarms.com .

Earthly Kneads Bakery of Muskegon
Bakery Hours: Tuesday through Friday from
9:00am to 5:00pm. Saturday from 9:00am to 2:00pm. Closed Sunday & Monday. Visit webwsite: http://www.earthlykneads.com/ Store location: 810 Terrace St., Muskegon, MI 49440. Ph: 231 728-6383

For market Saturday, Patrick will bring a selection of breads, cookies & granolas.
Ag and Health Alive of Marne
From Nantucket Bread Company of Grand Rapids: Chilled Whole Wheat Pizza Dough! Sold in single size bags, just roll out on a pizza tin, let rise a bit and then add your favorite toppings! Also: Whole Wheat Raisin Bread, Whole Wheat Bread, Seven-Grain Sourdough bread, Cranberry Walnut bread and Health Muffins. Made of whole grain organic flours.
Customer favorite back this week! Jerusalem Artichokes
Other Veggies & Fruits.
Turnips & Daikon Radish. Our own Winter squash, green and red cabbage and Empire, Ida Reds, and Golden Delicious certified organic apples from Evergreen Lane Farm of Fennville.
New this week! Duck Eggs. Fed certified organic feed.
Lamb! Time or order halves & whole lambs for your winter freezer. This week at the market: We have individual cuts of lamb in chops, roasts, ground lamb, stew meat and shanks.
Great gift idea! Give your favorite gardener a gift certificate from Ag & Health garden supplies! Who on your Christmas list wouldn’t appreciate a gift for their garden, or a great gardening or cook book? We are an authorized Fertrell Dealer and have a huge list of available organic garden supplies.
Happy Hill Farm of Hart
Turkey Sausage and Ground Turkey . Breakfast, Italian, Brat & Chorizo. Breakfast & Italian in links/andor bulk. Turkeys were fed certified organic feed.
Holiday Ducks! Young and tender. The drakes weigh about 6 lbs.; the hens are just over 3 lbs.
Pastured turkey: Fed certified organic grain. We will have frozen packaged thighs, drumsticks, breast roast, sliced breast, and tenderloin.
Pastured chicken
: Two options: Frozen chicken fed certified organic grains or chicken fed our own 2nd year transition corn. We have all cuts—whole, cut up, bone-in and boneless skinless breast, drumsticks, thighs, leg quarters and wings, soup stock, feet, liver, hearts and gizzards. All of our meats are raised on pasture with daily moves, and are processed on farm: no stressful transporting.
Stewing Hens. Hens retired from laying eggs make the best chicken soup in the world! Simmer these gals for several hours and you have genuine old-fashioned chicken! Or roast on high in the crockpot with no water for 8-12 hours for scrumptious roasted chicken!
Rabbit. Whole, frozen. Raised by David Filbrun on the farm.
Pastured Eggs. Large Eggs from chickens who live on grass.
Olson Farm of Shelby
Sale! Taste of Spring Maple Syrup. All Christmas Themed and Maple Leaf Etched Gift Bottles will be on sale! Making maple syrup from the over 300 trees on the farm has been an Olson tradition for three generations now.
Potatoes. Stock up now for that Thanksgiving feast! Red Norland, Pontiac and Reddale Red potatoes, the Butte White Baking Potato; and Swedish, Russian & Banana fingerling potatoes.
Onions. Red Zeppelin and white keeping onions.


Locally made products good for the body and spirit! Great Christmas gift ideas!

Bountiful Increase of Whitehall
Anita is back, for possibly just this week, with a fresh batch of soaps, lotions and massage oils-buy this week while supplies last! She reports: I have a fresh batch of lotion made-wonderfully scented with lemon and lavender I also have beautiful red and green swirl soap, which combines the all-time favorite spearmint soap with the holiday tradition peppermint soap. The result is a very double minty bar! I also have a fresh batch of lemongrass soap and for those who have been waiting, I have shampoo bars. Boo boo sticks and relief sticks will be available this week, along with lotion bars. For the women we have bronze mica lip shimmers, which is our lip balm with a touch of bronze color added. Also this week we have massage oils, including: workaholic oil, migraine oil, childrens cold oil, baby oil and more. We have Goodie Bar soap, with the lovely scent of cinnamon, Rosemary Soap, a zesty herb-sprinkled bar. We have our traditional goatmilk soap with the lovely scent of lavender and lemon. our Kitchen Bar removes odors from your hands, such as onion, garlic and fish. And our Grease-Cutter Soap removes grease and oils from your hands with the aid of pumice and orange oil. Laundry and dish soap will be available this week. We have a beautiful soap dish for sale hand made by the very talented Peter Johnson, this round soap dish compliments our round bar soap wonderfully-only one in stock. MANY of these items are limited in supply and/or only available for Christmas, if you are interested in these items they may not be available after this week. Small gift bags are available.
Under the Pines of Fruitport
Great for group gifts and stocking stuffers!

Back by popular demand handcrafted soaps in the following aromas: Patchouli and Sweet Orange, Lavender & Tea Tree, Lemongrass & Coconut, Lacy Lavender. All of our soaps have 10% shea butter added to help fight that winter “dry” skin.
Gift idea! All of the above soaps have matching body butters for holiday gift giving. Use our wonderful intensive moisturizing body butters on feet, knees, elbows, cuticles and hands.
Try our new handcrafted (made from scratch) soap: Triple Tree. This soap is made with corn mint, spearmint, peppermint and tea tree essential oils. Leaves your skin with that fresh tingly feeling.”
Stop by and see our other assortment of hand crafted bath and body goodies too, for you and the special people on your list.Sale! Washing Soda (laundry soap) special – buy one get one for half price.
Bee and Botanicals of Spring Lake
Crafting under her own name, Julia has great little gifts as well; lavender dryer bags, floral and woodsy sachets, hand crafted gift tags and cards.
New Vendor!
Kathy Lucas Craftworks of Grand Haven

Kathy has been sewing and quilting for over 30 years in her home, making items for family and friends. She is a native of New Jersey, where she was president of the Brownstone Quilt Guild from 1997 to 1999.
Kathy will bring Knitted & Fabric Hats, adults & kids sizes, Cloth Handbags, Quilted Patchwork Lavender Sachets, Felted Coasters and some of her photo-cards.
New Vendor!
LaMaire Handblown Glass Art of Grand Haven


Linda LaMaire will be bringing the glasswork of her son Jonathan LaMaire. He has been a glassblower for 10 years, now working out of his studio in Grand Haven. She will bring: handblown glass pendants, bracelets, perfume bottles, marbles, oil lamps and diffuser bottles (including diffuser reeds and essential oils) Jonathan’s glass art is sold in several different galleries and museums throughout the country.

Beech Coast Studio Pottery of West Olive

Susan Hoekema pottery
Susan Hoekema pottery

Susan Hoekema is back with stoneware bowls and mugs and colorful maiolica tiles and serving dishes, influenced by the lakeshore around her studio and her sojourns in Africa.

Aquarian Vibe Art Co of Spring Lake
Sale! This week only: $3 off 1 bowl $35 and up, $9 off 2, and $15 off 3 or more.
Sheryl will also be bringing new kilnwork including bowls, sushi plates, draped glass, and flattened bottles. Do your Christmas shopping early to get the best pieces before someone else does. Also: Glass sample sets. Choose your own colors for custom-ordered artwork that can be made in time for Christmas. Custom orders must be requested 2 weeks before needed and require a deposit of half down.

Artists Sheryl Marshall & Ann Nessa Dec 6th Market
Artists Sheryl Marshall & Ann Nessa Dec 6th Market

Fiber Creations of Whitehall
As artist/owner Ann Nessa says: “Fiber is good for ya!” She takes recycled wools, handwoven, knit and felt fibers and turns them into beautiful and useful items like purses, scarves, wall hangings and shopping bags. In addition, Ann has now turned her creative eye to pottery and will bring a few a selection of Sushi Bowls and Fired Clay Jewelry Pins.