Sweetwater Local Foods Market celebrate birthdays
with special “Pasture-Raised Local Meat”
On Saturday, July 3rd the Sweetwater Local Foods Market celebrates its 5th Birthday (since founding in 2005) with the opening of month-long “Pasture-Raised Local Meat” sale. The sale will begin with cake and music in celebration of the 100th birthday of our official “Queen of the Market” – Jeanette Keiser of Marne.
“Our market’s farmers sell a great variety of meats produced from animals raised gently on pasture and according to organic principles,” said Market Market Diana Jancek. “Their beef, pork, lamb, and poultry has no equal in Michigan. It is what really sets our market apart. We even have goat meat.”
Samples of Nathan Creswick’s sausages will be grilled between 11am and 12 noon on Saturday, July 3rd. “Creswick’s sausages are famous locally for their excellent flavor and high quality,” continued Jancek. “Nathan lives to make great lamb, pork and beef sausage. His Braunschweiger is so good that we have to warn people not to get addicted.”
Other Sweetwater Market meat vendors include Earthscape Farm, Liberty Family Farm, and Hickory Ridge Family Farm. All raise their animals on pasture using no GMO feed, antibiotics or hormones. “This is the best meat in Michigan,” said Jancek.
Stop by the Agriculture & Health Alive booth anytime during the market and wish Jeanette Keiser a happy 100th birthday and have a piece of birthday cake with her. Live birthday music will be provided by the Front Porch Pickers.
For more information contact Diana Jancek at 231-893-3937 or 231-670-4817 (mobile). Email her at dijaan@charter.net. For more information and directions to the market visit our website at…