What’s New at Sweetwater Local Foods Market
Saturday, August 15th, 9:00am to 1:00pm
Mercy Health Partners/Hackley Health at the Lakes
On Harvey St. ½ mile S of Lakes Mall-exit US31 at Pontaluna Rd
We are a Bridge Card & Project Fresh Market
Food, Inc Returns to the Harbor Theatre This Friday!
Sweetwater Mkt representatives will be there for a Q&A after the show…..http://www.theharbortheater.com/
This Week’s Vendors
Blueberry Heritage Farms of Holland
Certified organic blueberries! Brendan will bring more of the wonderful Bluecrop blueberries this Saturday!
Fruitful Acres of Manistee
Hugh Bowling’s helper Adam returns this week with more luscious Blackberries, and the Tart Cherries are holding steady for one more week!
Creswick Farms of Ravenna
Handcrafted Sausages and Specialty Meats
New! Nathan’s newest creation: Red Hot Brats! Per customer request he’s really kicked these sausages up a notch!
Pork Sausages: Blueberry Brats, Jalapeno Brats, Garlic Kielbasa, Breakfast Links & Bulk, Chorizo.
Chicken Sausages: Apple Chicken Links, Chicken with Spinach & Feta Cheese Links.
Lamb Sausages: Back this week – Moroccan Lamb link sausage!
Fresh-Aire Pastured Pork.
Back this week! Country Style Ribs! Tender, meaty, excellent grilled. Also: Ham steaks. Pork Chops. Apple Smoked Nitrite-Free Bacon, Soup Seasoning Bacon Ends.
Grass-fed Beef
Fire up the Grill – We’ve got STEAKS! Back this week: Flank Steak (think Fajitas & London Broils), T-Bones, Ribeye & Sirloin Steak. Filet Mignon. Also: Chuck Roast. Gourmet Burgers, grass-fed beef & hickory smoked bacon 3-1/3lb patties per pkg. Ground Beef in 1 lb pkg. Ground Beef Patties 3-1/3lb patties per pkg.
Sale continues! Creswick Smoked Meat Snack Sticks! Regular price $5.00 for 4 sticks, this Saturday get $1.00 off each pack!
Pastured Poultry
Boneless/skinless chicken breast, chicken wings, leg quarters, whole chicken & ground chicken in 1# pkg.
Also: At this point we are only taking pre-orders for eggs. See below.
Pre-Orders: Email Chris Bedford at chrisbedford@charter.net by Monday before the market and he will have it ready for you to pick up on Saturday. For a complete list of products, please see the website: www.CreswickFarms.com .
Earthscape/Full Circle Farm of Hesperia
BEEF SALE! BUY 10 PACKAGES OF OUR GROUND BEEF AND GET 10% OFF. BUY 2 ROASTS AND GET 10% OFF! Other cuts available: RibEye, New York Strip, oxtail, tenderloin, TBone, Porterhouse, liver, heart, stew meat, Swiss steak, ground beef bulk and patties. This is a mix of all grass-fed beef and some beef with our usual few months of grain to tenderize the meat. Please send me your advance orders and I’ll be sure to save beef for you.
VEGGIES THIS WEEK: Cucumbers in quantity with dill for canning! Also: Celery, eggplant & fingerling potatoes in quantity! Tender young Green Beans, Broccoli, Red Norland Potatoes, Carrots, Beets with Greens, Lettuce Mix, Head Lettuce, Chard and Kale, summer squashes, cucumbers, and whatever else we find ready to pick on Friday! Fresh herbs: parsley, basil, oregano, rosemary, chives. CSA members got sweet peppers, eggplant and tomatoes this week so we will have some for you all in a few weeks.
Sale! Organic Olive Oil! Bring in your quart jar and fill it with Catalan Spanish oil for $35, or buy a jar from us. In the famous Rioja wine producing region of Northern Spain, the three Catalan brothers and their proud families produce an exceptional olive oil from their small orchard of Arbequina olives. It is smooth-tasting with a great balance, very good fruit, and the aftertaste is a bit peppery. The unfiltered oil is Certified Organic by the Spanish Ministry of Agriculture. It is exceptional with lamb, beef, salad or spicy foods. I will also have Moutere Grove from New Zealand ~ 250 ml $20; 500 ml $30 and bottled Catalan 250 ml $16; 500 ml $24.
HIGHER GROUNDS COFFEE! I’ll be bringing an assortment of 1# bags. More is on order, here’s hoping it arrives by Friday.
CHECK OUT OUR BLOG! http://www.earthscapefarm.blogspot.com
Earthly Kneads of Muskegon
Our new helper Diane is working the market this weekend – stop by and make her feel welcome to the Sweetwater Market! Can’t make it to market? We’re open at the shop from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., too. If you would like to order ahead, please call the shop – 231.728.6383. Make sure you speak with a live person and NOT the voicemail system. Be sure to specify where you’d like to pick up your order. Our booth will have a little different look to it starting this weekend (the display case has met an unfortunate end). We still have muffins, scones, and other goodies – they’ll just be packed a little differently.
* Bread – Specials this week: Pumpernickel; Cheesy Hot Pepper (made with organic cheddar cheese and in very limited supply – we were only able to get our hands on a small number of local organic peppers because it’s been so cold lately); Leek & Sage Spelt; Potato & Dill. All the veggies are from either Earthscape/Full Circle Farm or Funny Farm. We will also have our regular Saturday schedule of bread (visit www.earthlykneads.com for details) minus the beer breads (had to make room for the specials!).
* Sweets – Mini Zucchini Spice Loaves, Zucchini Muffins with Cinnamon Frosting
* Scones – Dark Chocolate Chip, Honey Lemon & Fig, Blueberry Cardamom
* Muffins – Blueberry (made with the big, beautiful organic blueberries from Blueberry Heritage Farm!), Orange-Mango
* Cookies – We have A LOT of cookies this week! Sugar; Old Fashioned Chocolate Chip; Vegan AND Gluten Free Coconut; Sundrop; Snickerdoodle; Cranberry Almond; Sweet & Salty Cashew; and Malted Chocolate Chip Oatmeal
* Granola – 5 different varieties this week, plus Gorp & Muesli
* Extras – Fresh Shiitake Mushrooms, Dried Shiitake Mushrooms, and Organically Grown Heirloom Garlic (these bulbs are HUGE!) from Frasure Farms. We’ll also have an assortment of Food for Thought and Naturally Nutty with us.
Olson Farm of Shelby
Ailsa Craig onions are in! Jim claims they are hands down better than any Vidalia he’s ever tasted! Also: red potatoes, green beans and this spring’s batch of Taste of Spring Maple Syrup.
Happy Hill Farm of Hart
Sale! Our 2008 chicken is on sale now – 50% off while it lasts!
Hoophouse & Veggie Garden! Multi-colored carrots, Mortgage Lifter tomatoes & Cherry tomatoes. Cucumbers are in! Pickling & slicing. Also canning quantities of beans! Green, purple, & yellow, drago & rattlesnake pole beans. Lettuce, collards, chard, kohlrabi, beets, green onions & big onions, mixed greens. Squash: green, yellow & 8 ball zuccini. Yellow scallop squash. Broccoli. Yukon Gold potatoes. Herbs: Fresh & dried parsley, cilantro, basil, rosemary & sorrel.
Turkey Sausage and Ground Turkey . Breakfast, Italian, Brat & Chorizo. Breakfast & Italian in links/andor bulk. Turkeys were fed certified organic feed.
Ducks! Young and tender. The drakes weigh about 6 lbs.; the hens are just over 3 lbs.
Pastured turkey: Fed certified organic grain. We will have frozen packaged thighs, drumsticks, breast roast, sliced breast, and tenderloin.
Pastured chicken: Two options: Frozen chicken fed certified organic grains or chicken fed our own 2nd year transition corn. We have all cuts—whole, cut up, bone-in and boneless skinless breast, drumsticks, thighs, leg quarters and wings, soup stock, feet, liver, hearts and gizzards. All of our meats are raised on pasture with daily moves, and are processed on farm: no stressful transporting.
Stewing Hens. Hens retired from laying eggs make the best chicken soup in the world! Simmer these gals for several hours and you have genuine old-fashioned chicken! Or roast on high in the crockpot with no water for 8-12 hours for scrumptious roasted chicken!
Rabbit. Whole, frozen. Raised by David Filbrun on the farm.
Happy Hill will have Abundant Harvest Bakery goods at their booth, including
Granola Breakfast Cookies and several gluten-free offerings.
Free-Range Eggs: Large. Also, goose eggs.
Grassfields Farm of Coopersville
Certified Organic raw milk cheeses in the Dutch process tradition.
We will have Gouda with Dill, Garlic & Onion Gouda, & Edam. Learn more about our cheese, and other products at www.grassfieldscheese.com
Ag and Health Alive of Marne
We are an authorized Fertrell Dealer and have a huge list of available organic garden supplies.
From Nantucket Bread Company of Grand Rapids: Whole Wheat Raisin Bread, Whole Wheat Bread.
Locally made products good for the body and spirit!
Brittanie’s Thyme of Cedar Springs
We’re celebrating our organic certification and offering our loyal customers 20% OFF YOUR TOTAL PURCHASE! Six years after our inception (and the real Brittanie has now turned 5!) we have reached a tremendous milestone and we want to celebrate with you! We received a great response on our website in June to our “Free Facial Serum Sample” offer. Thank you all for answering the product survey in return. Just so you know we are deep in the planning stages to launch our new facial serum this fall, at the very latest the first of the year.
Something cute and new we’ll have at our table this Saturday is hand tie-dyed hair ties. $1.50 each or a bag of 5/$5.00 just in time for going back to school!
And a short note: We are anticipating a cost increase in September, so please take advantage of our sale prices on your favorite items this market!
Theresa’s Bags n’ Blooms
Theresa makes very unique hand sewn bags from recycled & new fabrics that you can use for shopping, school and more. She is also a flower lover and grower and will bring a selection of her favorite blooms.