Sweetwater Local Foods Market
Saturday, February 18th, 2023
10:00am to 11:00am
Mercy Health Lakes Village
6401 Harvey St. at US31/Pontaluna Rd.
Supporting Small Local Organic Food Producers since 2005!
Sweetwater Pledge to Customers
There’s still time to get a preorder in! But if you don’t make it in time, no worries:
-Laughing Tree Bakery will have a selection of breads etc available for walk up this week.
-Woven Tree Farm will have fresh & crunchy microgreens for walkup sales Saturday!
-Pine Row Farm, The Pasturage & Scholl Farm have excellent meats & eggs waiting for both your preorders and walk up sales on Saturday!
In Case of Severe Weather: Cancellation Notice
If we need to cancel a market due to severe weather I will send out a separate email no later than Friday evening before a market notifying you that we will be closed. I will post the same message to our FB & Instagram pages as well as the website. If you know people who are regulars to the market and not in the habit of checking emails please let them know. Thanks!
CSA INFO Interested in joining a CSA (community supported agriculture) farm this coming year? See bottom of newsletter for more info.
Vendors Attending Saturday February 18th:
The Woven Farm of Whitehall
Hello! You’ll find the following on our table this week:
Microgreens ($5/Pint Jar)
-Mellow mix
– Kohlrabi
Cheers to good growing!
The Pasturage of Montague
Wasn’t that sun on Saturday glorious?! We shifted some things around so will be back this weekend, the 18th. Stop by and see our selection (or check out our list here: )
The Pasturage Product Price List 1-2023
Thank you!
Laughing Tree Bakery of Hart
We will have a selection of breads & pastries available for walk up sales Saturday. Again, we will not be at market on February 25th.
Pine Row Farm of Rothbury
Hello :-),
We will accept orders until 5pm on Friday. If you miss the deadline or prefer to shop in person, I do bring a selection of what’s available every Saturday. I will plan to get totals emailed out by 9:30pm on Friday. If you don’t get a response from me, please contact me. We accept cash or check payable to Pine Row Farm.
100% grass fed beef:
Prices listed are per pound. Orders are filled in the order we receive them.
Tenderloin $22
Ribeye $18
NY strip $17.50
Rolled rump roasts $8.50
Skirt steak $10
Chuck roasts $8.50
Stew meat $8.75
Arm roasts $8.50
Ground beef $7.25
Short ribs $7
Shank $5.75
Soup bones $2.50
We sell by halves and quarters. Please contact us if you would like to be on the list for beef in 2023.
Do you know anyone who says Jersey is the best beef? We have one 100% grass fed Jersey steer that’s ready. He was born and raised on the farm without any medications or vaccines.
We have one whole pork available. It is Idaho Pasture breed, born and raised on the farm, and never had any vaccines or medications. We raise our pigs on pasture, hay, and a small daily portion of certified organic grain.
All of our poultry are free range, locked in nightly, and have certified organic feed.
Chicken eggs: $6/dozen
Duck eggs: $10/dozen
We will bring the following honey:
Plastic squeeze bottles:
12 oz bear $6
1# raw $8
2# $12
Glass canning jars:
Pint raw $10
Quart raw $16
1# block $10
Old fashioned boiled maple syrup, powered by wood! Glass jars only. Mother Hubbard’s maple syrup:
Pints $10
Quarts $16
Kasza Sugar Bush Maple Syrup
Glass containers.
Quarts $16
Gallons $55
Maple cream $15/#
See you Saturday!
Sarah (and Bill and the kids),
Scholl Farm of Montague
All of our products and produce are raised/grown organically using 100% certified organic feeds for our animals.
We will not be at market on Feb 25th.
EGGS, Chicken – $6.00/doz.
FROZEN CHICKEN [Looking for a warm home (oven)]
– Frozen whole birds, 4 TO 6+ lbs. $5.50/lb.
– Frozen whole cut up chicken, 8 pcs per pkg. 5-6 lbs., $6.00/lb.
– Necks, gizzards, and livers: $3.00/lb.
Kennebec potatoes. Mix or match.
$12.00/1/2 peck (4 dry qt.)
$ 20.00/peck (8 dry qt.)
$ 30.00/1/2 bu. (16 dry qt.)
$50.00/1 bu. (32 dry qt.)
Spuds are easy to store if kept in cool, dark, dry environment with some airflow.
Place all orders via voice message at (231) 893-1311. Leave your name, phone number and speak slow and clear.
Thanks So Much,
Stu and Connie
Earthscape Farm of Hesperia
We will return soon.
Liberty Family Farm of Hart
We will return on February 25.
Forest Finds of Muskegon
We are off this week, but feel free to place a Preorder that can be picked up at the Muskegon Health Hutt. For our entire list of herbal remedies please check here:
Forest Finds
If you have any questions, etc about any of our products please email me at ForestFinds@yahoo.com
Call or text 616-834-3233
Forest Finds
Thanks! Cody
Dark Water Coffee Roasters of Mears
Check out our newest coffees at www.darkwatercoffeeroasters.com and we will ship right to your doorstep! There are some exciting new offerings sure to excite your morning cuppa, including Winter Solstice! Notes of baked molasses and spice with subtle undertones of dried fruit. Our coffees are made with Fair Trade & Organic beans.
Lauren, Tony, Damian, and Neve
The following farms have CSA plans for 2023. Membership is limited so don’t wait too long to inquire!
Blackbird Farm of Coopersville
Shares for the Blackbird Farms 2023 CSA program are now available! Sign up now for fresh vegetables June through October. Complete information, as well as sign-up forms, is available on our website at https://blackbirdfarms.net/community-supported-agriculture/. We hope to have you join us–there is a place at the table waiting for you!
The Woven Farm of Whitehall
CSA shares + market cards are live on the website! Visit here to learn more. https://thewoventrifecta.com/shop/csa-shares
I’d love to grow ya delicious veggies + beautiful bouquets of flowers all season long!
Cheers to good growing!
Mannor Farm of Hesperia
We are offering Prepaid CSA Member Cards. The Card can be purchased for any dollar amount of $50 or more.
The card can be used at any of the farmers markets that we attend or at our farm stand during normal business hours. We currently plan to attend the Sweetwater Farmers Market (starting in May 2023), Newaygo Farmers Market, and New Era Farmers Market. We will be announcing our farm stand hours in May. We will be offering Certified Naturally Grown produce, eggs, and poultry as well as rabbit.
Now through March 2023, we will add 10% of the paid amount to the Card (i.e. $50 gets $55 loaded on the card).
Dan & Linda Mannor
The Mannor Farm LLC
5595 E Arthur Road, Hesperia, MI
For more info: the.mannor.farm@gmail.com
1. Look over the list. Each vendor has a unique deadline for when they need to receive your pre-order depending on their product. Send your pre-order by email to each vendor you want to order from, within their required deadlines.
2. Vendors will respond back by no later than Friday before market day with an order confirmation and an invoice that in most cases will allow you to pre-pay for your order. If a vendor is not set up to take payment online they will accept checks (preferred) or cash in a sealed envelope on market day pickup.
If you have not already done so you may want to sign up for the newsletter
to be informed of the pre-order schedule for the next market.
If you have questions about info in this newsletter
please email them to sweetwaterlocalfoods@gmail.com
We are not able to respond through Tiny Letter
To remind everyone about what is unique about Sweetwater, here is a link to the Sweetwater Pledge to Our Customers. This Pledge is signed by all vendors, and we stand behind Sweetwater Pledge to Customers