Saturday, January 10th, 2015, 9:00am to 12:00 noon
Mercy Health Lakes Campus
On 6401 Harvey St. at US31/Pontaluna Rd. Exit. 1st Bldg North of Pontaluna Rd.
We are a Bridge Card Market!
As you may have heard, Josh Wright, younger brother of Tim, was in a very bad car accident a few days ago. The family is keeping vigil at his bedside in Hackley Hospital; please keep them in your thoughts and prayers.
If you would like to help in some way, gift gas cards and cash would be the most needed staples right now.
Thanks.Shady Side Farm of Holland
This week (weather permitting) I’ll be at market with our certified organic beans, all harvested this fall, in the following varieties:
Black Calypso (limited quantities) – Taste like kidney beans, great for salads, soups and dips. Also known as Orca beans–they look like killer whales (only smaller, and more friendly).
Black Turtle – Common black bean with a thick skin and a meaty texture.
Black Valentine – Black beans are back! Taste like kidney beans, great for salads, soups and dips.
Hidatsa Red – Slight nutty taste, use in chili or red beans and rice.
Hutterite Soup – Comfort food, cook fast, creamy soup, baby food.
Jacob’s Cattle – Big and meaty, taste & texture of new potatoes, traditional baked beans, chili.
Jacob’s Cattle Gold – Hold shape w/ long cooking, soak up other flavors well, soups and stews.
Marrow – Plump, soft white beans that soak up the flavors of whatever you cook them with.
October – Creamy, velvety smooth texture, nutty, sweet flavor, thin skin, soups or chili.
Pinto – Earthy flavor, great in Mexican cooking, falls apart under long cooking.
Zebra (limited quantities) – Also known as Amethyst. Creamy texture with a full-bodied flavor.
In addition, we’ll have Grassfield Farms raw aged cheeses along in the following flavors:
Aged Cheddar – You asked, and we listened! A sharp cheddar, aged a year. Award-winning!
Cherry Christmas (Seasonal Variety) – Gouda with sage and dried cherries–try it!
Chili – Gouda with Red Chili flakes, this mild and creamy cheese has delightful spice without being too hot.
Country Dill – A house favorite, the dill herb in Gouda well represents the fresh grass that dominates the cows’ diet.
Edam – A variety of Gouda made with skim milk: Elastic, yet firm, this flawless low fat cheese is our best melter, improving any dish.
Garlic & Onion – The most aromatic of herbs. Don’t be the only one in the room to eat this spiced Gouda or you soon will be.
Gouda – A traditional handmade cheese in keeping with West Michigan’s (and our family’s) Dutch culture.
Lamont Cheddar – A rare, natural rind English cheese, named for the Grand River’s first settlement near our farm.
Leyden – Originally from the Rhine Valley, now the Grand River Valley; cumin perfectly compliments this aged Dutch cheese.
Please let me know ahead of time if you’d like to order 5# bags of any one variety of beans, so that I can pre-bag those and bring them along. In addition, if there is anything woolly that you are interested in, it doesn’t hurt to shoot me an email. I can’t take everything along every week, so let me know what you’d like me to focus on. Hope to see you Saturday!
Lona Bronkema
Shady Side Farm
Funny Farm of Grant
Weather & the road plows permitting.
Potatoes, several varieties
Onions, red and yellow
Winter squash, many varieties
Dried sweet peppers
Dried shiitake mushrooms
Dried garlic and herbs
Eggs, mixed flock, mixed colors
Scholl Farm of Montague
Freshly dug potatoes: Austrian Crescent Fingers, Norland Reds, Purple, Adirondack Reds, Yukon Gold. Also available in bulk quantities.
Freshly squeezed Eggs
Frozen whole roaster chicken (with or without giblets)
Also bags of frozen chicken feet, liver, heart and gizzards.
Pie Pumpkins
Ornamental and dried gourds, ornamental squash, ornamental strawberry popcorn and Indian corn.
Earthscape Farm of Hesperia
AJ & Lisa Bougher will be bringing:
VEGETABLES WE PLAN TO BRING: Onions, Cabbages ~~ Savoy, Green and Red; large tender Kohlrabi; Celeriac ~ roast it, add it to soups and stews, or mash with your potatoes!
Grilling Steaks ~ Tenderloin, TBone, NY Strip, RibEye, Sirloin,
Braising Beef ~ Round and Swiss Steaks;
Roasts ~ Chuck, English,
Lean Ground Beef
Leaner Ground Sirloin
Short Ribs ~ One of the most flavorful cuts. Google some recipes! SALE! $3.50 per lb.
Soup Bones & Oxtail – It’s time to make some rich beef stocks and Bone Broth.
Heart and Tongue
HIGHER GROUNDS COFFEE in 12 oz bags. Certified organic, Fair Trade. Various types, beans or ground, dark or medium roast, full caf, half caf or decaf.
ORGANIC OLIVE OIL, imported from Palestine by Higher Grounds.
Maple Moon Farm of Shelby
We hope your new year has been filled with joy and peace. We look forward to seeing you all again this week!
We’ll be bringing:
(farmer grade refers to produce that has been graded out for size or minor damage, this is the produce that many farmers eat) These make quick and easy sweet potato fries!
A huge THANK YOU to our Sweetwater community! You generously donated 200# of our potatoes to local food banks in December. We were inspired by you generosity and donated a total of 600# in December. May all be fed.
-Delicata- these are tasty little gems! These cook up so tender and delicate you can eat the skin and flesh together. (no peeling!)
Wonderful Thai flavors, all grown right here in West Michigan. We combined our home grown ginger, lemongrass, Thai basil, leeks, and a pinch of cayenne for an incredible infusion of flavors. These can infuse water, chicken broth, coconut milk, or a combination. Each bag produces 2 qts of broth.
We preserved the intense flavors of our culinary garden herbs. Harvested by hand, dried, and then cut and hand sifted, these herbs are brimming with flavor and quality.
*DRIED SLICED LEEKS (perfect for a nice winter pot of potato leek soup)
*HERBAL SALT- We blended nutrient dense culinary herbs, with real salt, and the amazing nettle seed. This little wildcrafted seed is so nutrient dense and is a great support for the adrenals. This tasty herbal salt brings plant medicine to you table in a convenient way. Packaged in old-fashioned style spice jars, made of 100% recycled glass. (This is produced in small amounts. We are almost sold out on this. We encourage you to get it while it is here)
Michael and Amanda Jones
Maple Moon Farm
1224 S.144th Ave
Shelby, MI 49455
Check us out on Facebook
Laughing Tree Bakery of Hart
We’ll be back at the market on January 17th!
Winter Market Schedule
Winter Schedule for January 10th through February is as follows:
OPEN January 10th, and January 17th.
CLOSED January 24th
OPEN January 31, February 14, and February 28.
CLOSED February 7th, & 21st.
After that the weather will determine how soon we go to every Saturday again – so think WARM THOUGHTS!