Sweetwater Local Foods Market
Wednesday Evening Pop-Up Market at Tanglewood Park
August 14th, 2013, 5:00pm to 7:00pm
560 Seminole Rd., Norton Shores 49444
Sale! Broccoli for Freezing!
Certified Organic JERSEY Blueberries!
Vendors attending this Wednesday’s market:
Funny Farm of Grant –
Funny Farm Special!
Broccoli for the Freezer
Enjoy all Winter
Regular price $2.50 lb
5 lbs for $10
10 lbs for $18
Larger quantities available by special request.
Please call or email.
231 834 8643 Leave a message with name,
phone# , amount and day for pickup-Wed or Sat
funyfarm@riverview.net (note: only 1 n in funy)
This is the nicest broccoli we have ever had!!
This week we’ll also have:
summer squash, broccoli, okra, cucumbers, lemon cukes,
cherry tomatoes in lots of colors, scallions, green onions,
hot peppers, sweet green peppers, kales, kohlrabi,
rutabagas, cabbage, many varieties of potatoes, melons,
and anything else we can find!
Crow Feather Farm of Hesperia
We will have a variety of sweet melons
ripe sweet peppers
ripe and green hot peppers (serranos, mild jalapenos!, Bulgarian carrot chiles)
Yukon Gold potatoes
kale and SPECTACULAR rainbow chard (leaves as big as my head)
loads of basil and cilantro
fresh bunched flowers
See you there!
Wind Dancer Farm of West Olive – Megan Rant will be back with Wind Dancer Certified Organic Jersey Blueberries!
Maple Moon Farm of Shelby Tomatoes-a variety of heirlooms, red, orange, yellow, and pink!
Sweet Bell Peppers-beautiful red ones!
Hot Peppers
Green Beans (green, yellow, purple, and dragon)
Cabbage (green, red, and savoy)
Pickles and Cucumbers
Summer Squash (zucchini, yellow crooked neck, and trombocino)
Swiss Chard
Fresh Herbs including basil, Thai basil, parsley, dill, and more
We have three great healthy herbal tea blends, all are caffeine free.
Meadow View Farm
We’ll have eggs available for sale tonight!
McLaughlin Grows Urban Farm Youth Project of Muskegon
Erin Mund will be bringing several students from the McLaughlin Grows farm tonight, along with a bunch of the veggies they’ve been growing!
Hope to see you at the pop-up market tonight!
Diana Jancek
Market Manager